Zhumadilov Valery

Zhumadilov Valery

My name is Valery. I am 57 years old. I am living in Estonia.
I was not an athlete in my youth. I started practicing yoga and amateur fitness after 35 years, I like strength endurance. Personal records: squats with a barbell 85 kg - 61 times, bench press 90 kg - 25 times, pulling up - 31 times, push-ups on the bars - 44 times.
My height is 182, weight 84.

I started running after 50 years of age. I was interested in sprinting. I have become many times the Champion of Russia, the Republic of Belarus, the Baltic States in the age categories M50, M55. I set nine national sprint records.
At the 2018 European Championship in Madrid, I became the second at 200m (M55).
Personal records: 60 m -7.84; 100m - 12.24; 200m-25.03; 400m-57.8.
Vlog started on May 20, 2016. The channel publishes reports on training, tips on running, strength training, nutrition, prevention of sports injuries.
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