"Humanity at its Finest, 20,000 bikers respond to 6-Yr old Kilian Sass' dying wish" Greg Zwaigenberg

2022 ж. 27 Ақп.
6 278 319 Рет қаралды

This story simply brought tears to my eyes when I first heard about it...
Having worked with the ACT Cancer Society in 1997 to fund and produce the first "ACT Children's Oncology Service Directory" to help guide families of a child with cancer to cope with life, alongside my wife devoting her life to fight the disease as a Oncology Nurse.
Kilian, a 6-year old boy in Northern Germany with a love of motorcycles and suffering from Terminal Cancer, had his last wish come true after friends and family posted about his wish on social media:
"To see bikers drive past his home and make lots of 'Krach', noise, before he died as he loved the sound of motorcycles.
They were hoping for 20 to 30 bikers to turn up, however, in an amazing show of human love and compassion over 20,000 bikers drove to his house from Germany and neighbouring countries.
A shining light for humanity against the darkness that our world has been living in for the past few years. It brings home what is truly important in life - to love, share, forgive and care for each other, especially for the children and those that cannot care for themselves.
NB: When I used the video I received in German and added text, the initial biker images were apparently from Brazil, the 20,000 German Bikers were real and can be seen from the detailed interviews. For that I apologise, sadly it is the world we live in, the heart of the story is what makes this awesome and nothing can take that away.
For my beautiful. wife who has devoted her life to helping people with cancer as an oncology nurse, and how I cried when I watched it in German originally, it is about the heart of over 20,000 bikers and what they did for one small boy, nothing else. The news and the positive comments fill my life with joy every day as they come in, as I pray it does yours.
Diese Geschichte hat mir einfach die Tränen in die Augen getrieben, als ich das erste Mal davon gehört habe...
Nachdem ich 1997 mit der ACT Cancer Society zusammengearbeitet hatte, um das erste "ACT Children's Oncology Service Directory" zu finanzieren und zu produzieren, um Familien mit einem krebskranken Kind bei der Bewältigung des Lebens zu unterstützen, zusammen mit meiner Frau, die ihr Leben dem Kampf gegen die Krankheit als ökologische Krankenschwester widmete .
Kilian, ein 6-jähriger Junge aus Norddeutschland, der Motorräder liebt und an Krebs im Endstadium leidet, erfüllte sich seinen letzten Wunsch, nachdem Freunde und Familie in den sozialen Medien über seinen Wunsch berichteten:
„Biker an seinem Haus vorbeifahren zu sehen und viel ‚Krach‘ zu machen, bevor er starb, weil er den Sound von Motorrädern liebte.
Sie hofften auf 20 bis 30 Biker, aber in einer erstaunlichen Show menschlicher Liebe und Mitgefühls fuhren über 20.000 Biker aus Deutschland und den Nachbarländern zu ihm nach Hause.
Ein leuchtendes Licht für die Menschheit gegen die Dunkelheit, in der unsere Welt seit einigen Jahren lebt. Es zeigt, was wirklich wichtig im Leben ist - zu lieben, zu teilen, zu vergeben und sich umeinander zu kümmern, besonders um die Kinder und diejenigen, die nicht für sich selbst sorgen können.
NB: Als ich das Video, das ich auf Deutsch erhalten habe, verwendet und Text hinzugefügt habe, waren die ersten Biker-Bilder anscheinend aus Brasilien, die 20.000 deutschen Biker waren echt und können aus den ausführlichen Interviews gesehen werden. Dafür entschuldige ich mich, leider ist es die Welt, in der wir leben, das Herz der Geschichte ist das, was das großartig macht, und nichts kann das wegnehmen.
Für meine schöne. Ehefrau, die ihr Leben der Hilfe für Krebskranke als Onkologiekrankenschwester gewidmet hat, und wie ich geweint habe, als ich es im Original auf Deutsch gesehen habe, geht es um die Herzen von über 20.000 Bikern und was sie für einen kleinen Jungen getan haben, sonst nichts. Die Nachrichten und die positiven Kommentare erfüllen mein Leben jeden Tag mit Freude, wenn sie eintreffen, so wie ich bete, dass es auch Ihres tut.
#cancer #children #love #compassion #cancerday2022 #cancerawareness #cancersupport #compassionatecare #carers #childrenfirst #togetherwecanmakeadifference #togetherwecandomore #together #society #humanity #tears

  • I saw that many people here don't speak german, so I tried to roughly translate, what the people said. Therefore please correct me if you find mistakes: 0:54 So today we make a small event. The little Kilian 6 years old, unfortunately suffering from cancer, has wished for this event, one last time that many motorcycles drive past his house and make noise for him. Therefore the slogan of this whole event "noise for Kilian". Kilian is 6 years old, unfortunately has lost this battle, ehm is enthusiastic motorcross rider with his 6 years, and thats the reason for the interest in it. And it was a wish from him, there is a voice message he has posted in our group. And we have taken that as the reason to create this here. It is planned that until 12 o'clock the arrival is on this marketplace and on the surrounding business parks. This is coordinated, as I said, by the police. If [it] gets crowded here, we will move to the outside areas. They will be called by the police when the marketplace is empty, so that they can of course join the parade in time and participate in the action. We have prepared signs when you are allowed to make noise. Of course, this is written [at] several houses "3,2,1, noise" and then it starts. 2:06 We honestly wouldn't have thought that so many people would come together, that so many motorcyclists would stick together, but great action. We really put a lot of effort into it and hope that everything goes well as we imagine it. 2:17 I have to make sure that the people drive in here orderly, get in line orderly, that's my job today. That works very well, yes. They even listen to me, that's the good thing. Just good luck and that they should watch out that nothing happens on the way. 2:34 I think it's amazing, I think this action is really great. I think it's good that something is done for the little boy. It's incredibly sad to hear about his fate and I think it's great that the motorcyclists have agreed to come here today and make noise for him. I think it's good. 2:54 I think they're great. It shows that people still have their hearts in the right place. Very moving, emotional. I think 15,000 at least. So that will be really full. It has been shared 30,000 times on Facebook. That's insane. 3:16 Phenomenal, there's no other way to say [that], great. And we think it's so great that this is being done for the child. I could cry, I really have to say. It affects me a lot. 3:32 Kilian likes to ride his motorcycle and his father has one too. 3:45 [I saw that on Facebook, yes. So I thought, "I'll go there," and then, yeah, I'm in. 3:52 We are from Goslar in the Harz region and we saw it on the Internet and then we wondered whether we had relatives here, my mother lives here, [so] we said: "Come on, let's do it, we'll go there right away, that would be a nice move. Unbelievable, goosebumps, actually it's nice to have such a huge motorcycle meeting with so many motorcycles, but if you then take the occasion, then it's actually totally sad and you could really cry, although we really don't know the little one personally. Yes, we have thought about, we wanted actually on the back of my luggage carrier a giant foam, we wanted to write something on it, but then somehow it was quite difficult for us this morning to find some suitable words and then we thought, because it is a 6-year-old, we take balloons and just pack them in. That's meant for the child, yeah. 4:31 I think the event that they're doing here is really good. So I can... [I'm] on the verge of tears too. 5:59 So these are just goosebump moments. It's insane, so, I can't, I can't ... look ... it's just goosebumps. So many motorcycles, here in [city name (couldn't understand)], it's madness. 6:15 It's so great. It touches you and I think it's awesome. Yeah, sometimes you'll lose your voice. It's very sad and especially for the parents of such a little boy and that there's nothing you can do and that's why I think it's so great here. 6:38 On the whole, we draw a positive conclusion. All motorcyclists have kept to the previously agreed rules, have behaved respectfully. and here the german transcript I used: 0:54 Also heute machen wir ein kleines Event. Der kleine Kilian 6 Jahre alt, leider krebskrank, hat sich dieses Event gewünscht, einmal noch dass viele Motorräder an seinem Haus vorbeifahren und für ihn Krach machen. Daher auch der Slogan dieser ganzen Geschichte „Krach für Kilian“. Kilian ist 6 jahre alt, hat leider diesen Kampf verloren, ehm ist begeisterter Motorcrossfahrer mit seinen 6 Jahren, und daher kommt das Interesse daran, und es war ein Wunsch von ihm, es gibt eine Sprachnachricht die er bei uns in der Gruppe gepostet hat. Und das haben wir zum Anlass genommen, dass das hier jetzt entstanden ist. Vom Ablauf ist es geplant, bis 12 Uhr ist die Anreise auf diesem Marktplatz und auf die umliegenden Gewerbegebiete. Das koordiniert, wie gesagt, die Polizei. Wenn [es] hier voll [wird], wird ausgewichen auf die Außenflächen. Die werden dann auch von der Polizei, wenn der Marktplatz leer ist, abgerufen, sodass auch die natürlich zeitig sich am Korso anschließen können und an der Aktion teilnehmen können. Vorbereitet haben wir Schilder wann ihr denn Krach machen dürft. Das steht natürlich [an] mehrere[n] Häuser[n] „3,2,1, Krach“ und dann geht das los. 2:06 Dass so viele Leute zusammenkommen, so viele Motorradfahrer zusammenhalten, hätten wir jetzt ehrlich gesagt nicht gedacht, aber mega Aktion. Wir haben uns auch echt viel Mühe gegeben und hoffen, dass alles gut klappt so wie wir uns das vorstellen. 2:17 Ich muss dafür sorgen, dass die Leute hier vernünftig reinfahren, sich vernünftig einreihen, joa das ist mein Job heute. Das klappt sehr gut, ja. Die hören sogar auf mich, das ist das gute. Einfach nur viel Glück und dass sie aufpassen sollen, dass unterwegs nichts passiert. 2:34 Es ist super toll, finde ich, diese Aktion find ich richtig klasse. Ich find’s gut, dass für den kleinen Jungen was gemacht wird. Es ist unwahrscheinlich traurig sein Schicksal so mitzubekommen und da finde ich es klasse, dass die Motorradfahrer sich bereit erklärt haben, hier heute herzukommen und Krach für ihn zu machen. Find ich gut. 2:54 Ich finde die super. Da zeigt sich, dass die Menschen doch noch das Herz am rechten Fleck haben. Sehr bewegend, emotional. Ich denke mal 15.000 mindestens. Also das wird richtig voll werden. Es ist auf Facebook 30.000-mal geteilt worden. Das ist der Wahnsinn. 3:16 Phänomenal, anders kann man [das] nicht sagen, großartig. Und wir finden das so toll, dass das für das Kind gemacht wird. Ich könnte heulen, muss ich echt sagen. Mich betrifft das sehr. 3:32 Kilian fährt gern Motorrad und sein Vater hat auch eins. 3:45 [Von] Facebook hab ich das gesehen, ja. Da hab ich gedacht: „Fahr ich mal hin“ und dann, ja, bin ich dabei. 3:52 Wir kommen aus Goslar aus dem Harz und wir haben das im Internet gesehen und dann haben wir uns überlegt ob wir hier Verwandte haben, also meine Mutter lebt hier, [da] haben wir gesagt: „Komm, das machen wir, da fahren wir sofort hin, das wäre mal eine schöne Aktion“. Unglaublich, also Gänsehaut, eigentlich ist es schön so ein riesen Motorradtreffen mit so vielen Motorrädern zu haben, aber wenn man den Anlass dann nimmt, dann ist es eigentlich total traurig und man könnte wirklich weinen, obwohl den Kleinen wirklich nicht persönlich kennt. Ja, wir haben überlegt, wir wollten eigentlich hinten auf meinem Gepäckträger einen riesen Schaumstoff, den wollten wir beschriften und dann ist uns das aber ganz schwer gefallen heute morgen irgendwie etwas passendes in Worten zu finden und dann haben wir gedacht, weil es ein 6-jähriger ist, wir nehmen Luftballons und packen die einfach ein bisschen ein. Das ist für das Kind gedacht, ja. 4:31 Ich find die Aktion, die sie hier machen richtig gut. Also ich kann… [ich] bin auch den Tränen nah. 5:59 Also das sind einfach Gänsehautmomente. Das ist der Wahnsinn, also, ich komm gar nicht mehr, ich kann gar nicht mehr, gucken sie … das ist einfach Gänsehaut. So viele Motorräder, hier in [Stadtname (konnte ich nicht verstehen)], der Wahnsinn. 6:15 Es ist so toll. Es berührt einen und ich finde es klasse. Ja, es bleibt manchmal die Stimme weg. Also es ist sehr traurig und gerade für die Eltern von so einem kleinen Jungen und dass da nichts zu machen ist und deshalb find ich das so toll hier. 6:38 Im Großen und Ganzen ziehen wir ein positives Fazit. Alle Motorradfahrer haben sich an die zuvor vereinbarten Regelungen gehalten, haben sich respektvoll verhalten.

    @MrYoutouby@MrYoutouby Жыл бұрын
    • Thank you, the visual scenes of those that attended tell the story, the translation will definitely help those that wanted to get more.

      @imagine-if@imagine-if Жыл бұрын
    • Get this up!

      @aelardiz@aelardiz Жыл бұрын
    • Wow! Thank you. It was so kind of you to translate. 🙂🥰

      @beckv8526@beckv8526 Жыл бұрын
    • This needs to pinned. ❤❤❤

      @Ayeshteni@Ayeshteni Жыл бұрын
    • Thank U so much from Oklahoma,U.S.❤️

      @tandiparent1906@tandiparent1906 Жыл бұрын
  • I was one of the Motorcyclists and it was very nice to make Kilian happy. R.I.P

    @manager829@manager829 Жыл бұрын
    • Kudos aus England!

      @jathompson7606@jathompson7606 Жыл бұрын
    • God Bless YOU and YOURS! Heart of GOLD!

      @diannen4225@diannen4225 Жыл бұрын
    • Awww bless you and all your partners in bickering for this most precious gesture. 💗

      @gitafernandes8143@gitafernandes8143 Жыл бұрын
    • God Bless you always.❤🙏

      @marianneyag4106@marianneyag4106 Жыл бұрын
    • Well done sir

      @Mark-nz9ek@Mark-nz9ek Жыл бұрын
  • I am a female biker, who can no longer ride due to seizures. This brought me to tears to see the camaraderie and the love for a little man who no one knew.RIP little biker…

    @dogmom2023@dogmom20234 ай бұрын
    • I'm sorry you had to stop

      @elliesouza717@elliesouza7172 ай бұрын
  • I’m an old biker from the UK and it’s humbling to see so many of my German friends paying this tribute to Kilian in this way. RIP kilian Sass.

    @terryallen5328@terryallen5328Ай бұрын
    • On the way home to the Highland's many years ago, scores of bikers waved to my son in the backseat of our car on the motorway. Fabulous bikes. Fabulous people. Harley Davisons galore. Spectacular journey. On the way home, we were halted by police at the motorway. A couple on their bike had been knocked down just getting on the motorway to go home a few minutes before. We had to drive hours and hours via the ancient roads. We learned the couple were killed by a tourist who had misunderstood the signs. We were heartbroken for the couple. I remember them every time I see bikers gathering.

      @manichairdo9265@manichairdo9265Ай бұрын
  • Dying 6yr old: I wanna see bikers drive past my house 20,000 bikers: my time has come

    @That_One_Person_Idk@That_One_Person_Idk2 ай бұрын
  • Sadly, one of the bikers had an accident on the way home. R.I.P Mathias (21) and Kilian

    @buckm@buckm4 ай бұрын
    • 🌾🙏🌾

      @YohielSpeaks@YohielSpeaks4 ай бұрын
    • Rip

      @andreasowl69@andreasowl694 ай бұрын
    • Very touching and extremely sad, made me cry. Rest in peace Kilián and Mathias 😭🌿🌹❤️❤️❤️

      @thearcherofjustice1492@thearcherofjustice14922 ай бұрын
    • Oh my god, how terrible 😭I am sorry ‼️R. I. P. Mathias and Kilian 😢

      @freiermensch6388@freiermensch63882 ай бұрын
    • That is also tragic and sad.

      @rondodson5736@rondodson57362 ай бұрын
  • 20.000 Bikers and not a single one fell out of line. Huge love to these people

    @Trunixmusic@Trunixmusic4 ай бұрын
  • The little fighter Kilian died a month later. Unfortunately, a 21-year-old biker had a fatal accident on the way home. May the 21 year old Mathias S. rest in peace with Kilian.

    @freagle123@freagle123Ай бұрын
  • I didn't understand a single word but there was no need. Those 20,000 people are heroes for that kid

    @workman88@workman8821 күн бұрын
  • As a biker a vet and a father this brought tears to my eyes ,much love from the USA.

    @sandy5548@sandy5548 Жыл бұрын
    • Most eligible person to make a comment here

      @Anonymous-8080@Anonymous-8080 Жыл бұрын
    • my man this is no-not 20,000 bikers sir.THIS IS MORE THEN 20,000 BIKERSS WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      @No.One.Cares.420@No.One.Cares.420 Жыл бұрын
    • Safe Travels my fellow Brethren !🙏

      @kennethg374@kennethg374 Жыл бұрын
    • Why does it matter that you helped in the genocide of brown people in the middle east for the benefit of American oil companies?

      @qwertyqwerty-tx1zk@qwertyqwerty-tx1zk Жыл бұрын
    • The tears won't stop coming out of my eyes. And i am not a father yet, or a biker.

      @lokegrnbech1878@lokegrnbech1878 Жыл бұрын
  • R.I.P Mathias, 21 Jahre, der auf dem Heimweg, von Kilian kommend, tödlich verunglückt ist, lG Fleder. Translation: R.I.P Mathias, 21 years old, who died in an accident on the way home from Kilian, lG Fleder.

    @Flederman@Flederman2 жыл бұрын
    • R. I. P

      @b.a.2671@b.a.2671 Жыл бұрын
    • R.I.P. Mathias 😢

      @elgatoloco727@elgatoloco727 Жыл бұрын
    • R I P Mathias

      @stephenmiller195@stephenmiller195 Жыл бұрын
    • vl. fährt er den kleinen Richtung Himmel RIP

      @onkelwonkel229@onkelwonkel229 Жыл бұрын
    • R.I.P

      @HH-re2xy@HH-re2xy Жыл бұрын
  • This is one of those times language doesn’t matter. This is so neat and I’m so happy for the turn out.

    @cindiallain8542@cindiallain8542Ай бұрын
  • Very, very proud of these great humans doing this for another human. God Bless. Thank you!!!!

    @70s80sVintage@70s80sVintageАй бұрын
  • This is enough to make a grown man cry!!🔥

    @naveena3323@naveena33235 ай бұрын
    • I second that ✊🏻 rip little one

      @joski9030@joski90304 ай бұрын
  • As a fellow biker from the US, i stand and solute all of the bikers of Germany who showed their solidarity to this young man. Awesome, just Awesome!

    @scottholliday9308@scottholliday93084 ай бұрын
  • This popped across my feed and I had to watch it, I have been riding for 56 years and participated in many rides such as this. NEVER, Never have I seen something like this for such a great cause! Well Done Brothers and Sisters!

    @stevemolina8801@stevemolina880124 күн бұрын
  • This is by far one of the most great examples that while the internet can be full of trolls and bad people, it is also full of amazing people and communities that are willing to do come together and do something amazing.

    @darkin1484@darkin14842 ай бұрын
  • I know the police often get some flack for their behaviour but can we take a second to also thank the police for facilitating this.

    @andrewgarner2224@andrewgarner22244 ай бұрын
    • its almost unbelievale but police officers are people with a heart too.

      @evastapaard2462@evastapaard24622 ай бұрын
    • I Germany I feel like that is more of the norm than elsewhere tbh

      @heulboje21@heulboje212 ай бұрын
    • Thank you to all the police officers that made this all possible and an amazing job. God bless you all. Love from California, United States🫶

      @DonnaOma63@DonnaOma6326 күн бұрын
  • the world needs more of this,respect to every one of them.

    @rayrowland3292@rayrowland32922 жыл бұрын
    • btw... it is already full of them, mostly you hear them when they pass... It sounds like Braaap...

      @Charlie_..@Charlie_..2 жыл бұрын
    • that was an absolute lovely gesture towards kilian god bless you kilian.

      @michelsmith5121@michelsmith5121 Жыл бұрын
    • @@michelsmith5121 yes @Michael Smith this was so moving this did touch so many it was truly amazing..and sad in a loving way..how wonderful so many came together for little kilian God bless you little man..

      @paulhaley5009@paulhaley5009 Жыл бұрын
    • Turn off your tv and you’ll see the world is like this

      @bronsonkatz8307@bronsonkatz8307 Жыл бұрын
    • Ray Rowland...I can't believe how not just all the wonderful bikers for doing this beautiful amazing thing...but all each and every one of you to send you kind words that you to are all angels 😇..God bless each and every one of you...

      @paulhaley5009@paulhaley5009 Жыл бұрын
  • I am so impressed by the show of humanity at all levels. Thanks german bikers for that. From a Canadian.

    @MarcBeland-vf4xd@MarcBeland-vf4xd27 күн бұрын
  • I don't care what part of the world you are from. If you are a bike and this didn't touch your very soul, you are not human. RIP Kilian

    @lylelevin75@lylelevin75Ай бұрын
  • I remember this ride. It was my first ride after I got my motorcyclelicense. It was very touching, and I won’t forget it.

    @Knautschfriese@Knautschfriese Жыл бұрын
    • That’s a memory you cherish forever I love motorcycles

      @Marko-bh3pl@Marko-bh3pl Жыл бұрын
    • A historic first ride!!!... Thank you.

      @antoniotula262@antoniotula262 Жыл бұрын
    • 👍 in behalf of the family i / we thank you sir.. may God bless you and your family

      @chad-kj5sz@chad-kj5sz Жыл бұрын
    • Knautschfriese thank you. Glory be to our creator God. is the kid still alive?

      @thandogama3863@thandogama3863 Жыл бұрын
    • @@thandogama3863 unfortunately not. He died a few month after this day 😢

      @Knautschfriese@Knautschfriese Жыл бұрын
  • Imagine how far the human race could go if we all worked together as one

    @holdenshelby1143@holdenshelby11432 ай бұрын
    • Amen!! What the world needs now is that!!! So much confusion God bless all those bikers

      @paularegier6302@paularegier6302Ай бұрын
  • THIS is the world I want to live in!! Thanks to all of you! ❤🎉

    @frogdogink4415@frogdogink4415Ай бұрын
    • @jaynolan5459@jaynolan5459Ай бұрын
  • I didn't need to understand them to get choked up by this. Left me in tears.

    @phantomreefer3684@phantomreefer3684Ай бұрын
    • I know… I was teary eyes watching them ride down the road.

      @taraspikeyhelton@taraspikeyheltonАй бұрын
  • I don't speak German, and there's no English caption available. But this is an act that requires no translations: Love and Support for a Beautiful Angel! Despite all the negative things happening in the world, we should never lose Faith in HUMANITY!

    @allansorianomorales3950@allansorianomorales3950 Жыл бұрын
    • I don't understand German, but I understand compassion. I really needed to see this!

      @antoniotula262@antoniotula262 Жыл бұрын
    • You can adjust the closed caption settings to autogenerate into your language

      @Reblwitoutacause@Reblwitoutacause Жыл бұрын
    • @@Reblwitoutacause Wow thanks!

      @antoniotula262@antoniotula262 Жыл бұрын
    • @@Reblwitoutacause gee thanks! It worked!🤣

      @allansorianomorales3950@allansorianomorales3950 Жыл бұрын
    • It’s not perfect. I’m just another American fixing all your problems for ya ( not really, obviously 😂 )

      @Reblwitoutacause@Reblwitoutacause Жыл бұрын
  • I wish all the world leaders had half the compassion of these wonderful bikers,God bless you all

    @brianread4342@brianread43422 ай бұрын
    • Wouldn’t that be amazing to live in world that every country is all about peace and harmony.

      @DonnaOma63@DonnaOma6326 күн бұрын
  • Absolutely amazing, you don't have to understand the German language to know what's going on. God bless that little dude and all of the people that showed up to support him. Faith in humanity restored!

    @LordDonutz@LordDonutz20 күн бұрын
  • How could anyone not cry while watching this. So much respect for everyone involved in this outpouring of love for such a precious young man. Much love for Kilian from the United States 🇺🇸

    @sandywa3057@sandywa3057 Жыл бұрын
    • Didn’t cry but the first minute was very intense. I didn’t think much about what I was seeing because my brain was overwhelmed or something. So beautiful and sad and compassionate and amazing. What an indescribable moment!

      @Bayano6@Bayano6 Жыл бұрын
    • Legends😮

      @richardvvaneveld9869@richardvvaneveld9869 Жыл бұрын
    • I was like: No way I am going to cry 2 second later: Guess I was wrong

      @alfredsaalo1441@alfredsaalo1441 Жыл бұрын
    • I mean im smiling, not crying.

      @JupiterVortex@JupiterVortex Жыл бұрын
    • @@landon2050 Liar! We all did!

      @IrlBandit@IrlBandit Жыл бұрын
  • Why I want to ride motorcycles: As a German motorcycle enthusiast I feel so much pride for these guys

    @wildwaters8348@wildwaters8348 Жыл бұрын
  • The effect of one little child , it shows how special children are.

    @JesusChrististheway1010@JesusChrististheway1010Ай бұрын
  • I had a granddaughter die from cancer. What you did for that little boy is just amazing. God bless you all

    @carolstepka2050@carolstepka205021 күн бұрын
  • kindness breaks the language barrier.... kudos to all bikers 👍✊☝

    @chad-kj5sz@chad-kj5sz Жыл бұрын
  • Ich war auch da. Teilweise waren Biker aus Dänemark Niederlande Belgien Frankreich Österreich dabei. Es war unglaublich. Ich habe geweint

    @route6295@route6295 Жыл бұрын
    • Ich Auch. Solch eine Ehre und Hommage an die Menschheit vom Feinsten. Seit ich diese Geschichte gepostet habe, wurde sie weltweit fast 300.000 Mal mit Tausenden von herzlichen Gefühlen angesehen. Was die Stimme eines kleinen Jungen und eine so einfache Bitte erreichen kann, wenn es darum geht, die Herzen der Menschen auf der ganzen Welt in Mitgefühl und Liebe zu bewegen.

      @imagine-if@imagine-if Жыл бұрын
    • Me Too. Such an honour and tribute to Humanity at it’s finest. Since my posting this story it has been viewed globally nearly 1 Million times with thousands of heartfelt sentiments. What one small boy’s voice, and such a simple request, can achieve in moving people’s hearts across the world in compassion and love.

      @imagine-if@imagine-if Жыл бұрын
    • Thank you for your support for this brave Young man

      @sharonnicholson3393@sharonnicholson3393 Жыл бұрын
    • People are fantastic, we have no boundaries.

      @donquixote1502@donquixote1502 Жыл бұрын
    • Riesigen Respekt und Dankeschön an alle Biker, hervorzuheben sind aber natürlich Biker, die sogar eine so lange Anreise auf sich genommen haben!

      @hekkrjs2698@hekkrjs2698 Жыл бұрын
  • I do not speak a word of german. I did not understand anything said. But i understand this was done for a dying young boy who loved motorcycles and asked to see a few ride by his house. I was broufht to tears of joy watching so many caring people turn up for this. Great job to the riders and all involved in this. I am sure this family was overwhelmed. Great job.

    @chadriche@chadricheАй бұрын
  • I’m a biker from another part of the world. The gesture gave me tears. Ride safe brothers and sisters from the road.

    @silverb4ck192@silverb4ck192Ай бұрын
  • I live inTexas. I don't speak German. I didn't need to to watch and understand this video. I did understand the guy at 6:05 saying it gave him goosebumps. Been riding almost 40 years now and this choked me up. My heart goes out to the little guy and the family. Hope you find peace.

    @nova136565@nova136565 Жыл бұрын
    • He says that it is unbelievable how many bikes there are in this small town/village, and as he moved his arm, he told the reporter that he got goosebumps and was just amazed and speechless at the experience.

      @pr0maley386@pr0maley386 Жыл бұрын
    • @@pr0maley386 Tq for your translation. Zek from Malaysia

      @otaiman6728@otaiman6728 Жыл бұрын
    • true.....

      @ankurpriyadarshan@ankurpriyadarshan Жыл бұрын
    • @@ankurpriyadarshan 99

      @marygriffitt6991@marygriffitt6991 Жыл бұрын
    • And the sign with the heart and one word said.. Heartfelt thanks. Amazing gesture and compassion by all concerned.

      @Saxondog@Saxondog Жыл бұрын
  • Ehre diesen Männern und Frauen. Ruhe in Frieden Kilian.

    @Daddo1861@Daddo1861 Жыл бұрын
  • American did not understand the language. Understood and felt the love. God bless all the bikers. They did a great thing for Killian. ❤❤❤

    @trueamerican229@trueamerican229Ай бұрын
    • Sri Lankan didn't understand the language either. But felt the language of love and humanity.

      @letstalkcricket8755@letstalkcricket8755Ай бұрын
    • Closed caption in English. Yes, we understood. But really, no translaton is necessary. ❤

      @kath5201@kath5201Ай бұрын
  • This is incredible to witness. RIP Kilian. Fly high my man.

    @RyanCT89@RyanCT89Ай бұрын
  • Many thanks to all the people who came together for this little boy. You are all angels.

    @christine4223@christine4223 Жыл бұрын
    • @@pfalky2k Sadly he passed away a few weeks later, he already lost his fight before the riders came

      @imagine-if@imagine-if Жыл бұрын
    • Hells Angels aren't that bad after all...

      @ayoungconservative1051@ayoungconservative1051 Жыл бұрын
    • @@imagine-if i'm so sorry for the family. My condolence from India

      @sensei2203@sensei2203 Жыл бұрын
    • @@imagine-if condolences from italy

      @enrikdaka2183@enrikdaka2183 Жыл бұрын
  • Bikers have hearts and much soul. RIP Kilian.

    @ibdaffy@ibdaffy Жыл бұрын

    @christophertmunro4503@christophertmunro4503Ай бұрын
  • Awesome tribute for Killian. Rest in Peace, sweet child..

    @phyllisortega725@phyllisortega725Ай бұрын
  • This little boy went in heaven on the wings of the motocycles that greeted him!

    @joannegarofalo3556@joannegarofalo3556 Жыл бұрын
    • one of the finest comments i have ever seen

      @snehith4811@snehith4811 Жыл бұрын
  • When the family posted this on Facebook, they may have hoped for a few dozen bikers, even 100 would have been great, 1000 would have been amazing. And then ... 20.000 showed up. Faith in human kindness officially restored. *Thank you* to each and every single one of you !

    @slcncr@slcncr2 жыл бұрын
  • My brain did not understand one word spoken but my heart heard it all. I shed tears when people unite in love and show how good they are. Peace..

    @bunkyman8097@bunkyman809720 күн бұрын
  • Humans acting humans, that’s what humanity is. Thank you to all of the bikers for fulfilling a boy’s last wish.

    @Ka-Iank@Ka-Iank18 күн бұрын
  • Little man didn’t even know that his wish would create such an inspirational story ❤️

    @christians131@christians131 Жыл бұрын
  • I think of how many friendships formed as a result of this child's request, what a wonderful biking community they must have in Germany!

    @didiwin78@didiwin78 Жыл бұрын
  • This literally brings me to tears. This is PEOPLE pulling together for PEOPLE. Not some government photo op. Just people, loving people.

    @peelypeelmeister6432@peelypeelmeister643222 күн бұрын
  • I'm a 65 year old man, who always dreamed of learning to ride, but never had the balls. Holding back my tears at the thought of Kilian. His heart must have been so full of joy. The happiest day of his life. In a World of horror and never ending tragedy, a truly beautiful story.

    @ianworley8169@ianworley81692 ай бұрын
  • As a biker here in USA this is absolutely amazing. If i new I would literally fly in and ride with these amazing guys. I got 6 year old son myself and i cant imagine going thru it as a parent so i hope this helped a bit. Cheers to you German riders. Absolutely amazing

    @ninjazx6rk@ninjazx6rk Жыл бұрын
  • 20.000 bikers show up! That’s absolutely mind blowing! I love how volunteers from police and state was totally committed to it!

    @commonsense31@commonsense312 жыл бұрын
    • @@sismici.sismici They're all speaking german, their clothes have german words and literally "Germany" written on them, the police bikes have "Polizei" written on them. Literally everything in the video is all german and somehow you think this is from brazil? wtf?

      @LouSaydus@LouSaydus Жыл бұрын
    • @@mikejones-go8vz read the description. Creator said that it was a mistake, and apologized for it. He thought it was footage from this event, which turned out not to be the case.

      @HvV8446@HvV8446 Жыл бұрын
    • It’s cool how the police escorted the huge motorcade of motorbikes

      @MrStark-up6fi@MrStark-up6fi Жыл бұрын
    • @@LouSaydus at 0:29 is the current Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on a ride with his supporters in São Paulo, Brazil. The TV journal reported 1 million bikers.

      @calcavara@calcavara Жыл бұрын
  • Who's cutting onions here? I'm definitely not crying, you are.

    @richardabraham9047@richardabraham9047Ай бұрын
  • Beautiful bikers... And bless all the support from neighbors, towns, and governments along the way... All for a little boy who loved bikes. Blessings on you all.

    @-sstevens5444@-sstevens5444Ай бұрын
  • I can’t stop crying, so much love and respect. Imagine if the world would come together face-to-face and celebrate our love of common interests.

    @EveB-6B6@EveB-6B64 ай бұрын
  • Faith in humanity: Restored Rest in peace little hero ✨

    @draconordeskien2258@draconordeskien2258 Жыл бұрын
    • Always have Faith in humanity. Never let it die or be taken away this is what being human is all about Kindness Love & Help when needed to others friends or strangers . Show the love .

      @patriciaoreilly8907@patriciaoreilly8907 Жыл бұрын
  • 2 years later I'm seeing this and this right here gives me some hope for the world. R.i.p. little guy. I'm so happy you got your wish. As someone battling with colon cancer this is one of few things that has made me smile lately.

    @neoballa1649@neoballa164928 күн бұрын
    • Hey bud, I hope you recover soon by God's grace. Take care bud. God bless you.

      @prashantmishra9985@prashantmishra998528 күн бұрын
    • I hate cancer with a passion, and my wife its an Oncology Nurse, I don't know how she does it. May God Bless you and the cancer removed, and you get full restoration of your health.

      @imagine-if@imagine-if27 күн бұрын
  • Kiddo: I want see some motorcycles! Bikers: Hold my 20,000 beers and here's all the motorcycles in Germany.

    @RichCadwalader@RichCadwaladerАй бұрын
  • Kilian, I just wanted you to know that I heard there was a six year old super hero in Germany that could make the people all around the world love each other, I didn’t believe it but I have just seen your video. You must be an incredible person, all those motorbikes, WOW !!! I wish you lived in AUSTRALIA so I could meet you. I am an old lady and I have never seen that in my whole life. THANKYOU Kilian for showing the world how important it is to love each other. sending love from AUSTRALIA xx

    @debbiewatts8665@debbiewatts86652 жыл бұрын
    • Absolutely! Killian must be the most powerful super hero of all! ❤️🙏❤️

      @provinginsanity@provinginsanity2 жыл бұрын
    • @vivere__@vivere__ Жыл бұрын
    • Well said Debbie ,The Lord said if any two or more people come in agreement,there he will be also, 20,000 people agree that cancer especially childhood cancer needs to go from this earth 🙏🏻

      @mikemcnabb1582@mikemcnabb1582 Жыл бұрын
    • God Bless you!! No matter how old you are!!!!

      @singlewhitefemale1707@singlewhitefemale1707 Жыл бұрын
    • just lovely Debbie !!!

      @sheene71@sheene71 Жыл бұрын
  • You don't need to understand German to get the message because love, kindness and empathy has no language barrier.

    @hizmartyn8957@hizmartyn89573 ай бұрын
    • Dankeschön an alle

      @user-vu9xc4nd5g@user-vu9xc4nd5gАй бұрын
  • A short explanation. The whole thing happened in 2021. Kilian's father, who can be seen at 3:36, is a biker himself, which is why the little fighter also loved motorcycles and the little man already rode motocross himself. His last wish was to see lots of loud motorcycles. 4:54 Everyone drives past Kilian's house (the one with the blue parasol), and so everyone looks at the house and revs up their bikes. Unfortunately, almost 3 weeks later, Kilian lost his battle with cancer and died. And we don't want to forget our brother Mathias S., who unfortunately had a fatal accident on the way home after the parade. May both rest in peace.

    @freagle123@freagle123Ай бұрын
    • Rest in power Mathias S ❤

      @mlware1018@mlware1018Ай бұрын
    • rest with and forever enjoy the company of Christ and his angels!

      @michaelnitsch4431@michaelnitsch4431Ай бұрын
    • Thanks for the explanation!

      @bqube8901@bqube8901Ай бұрын
    • RIP Mathias and Kilian. They’re both heroes and now Angels🫶🙏

      @DonnaOma63@DonnaOma6326 күн бұрын
  • Imagine knowing you have 20,000 people by your side ❤

    @ArchanoB@ArchanoBАй бұрын
    • This was a demonstration in favor of Bolsonaro former president in São Paulo, Brazil. Search on google: Motociata de Bolsonaro em São Paulo

      @luanbrendo71@luanbrendo71Ай бұрын
    • ​@@luanbrendo71are you kinda dumb? You post this under dozens of comments. It's just the intro. Watch longer than one minute and you'll see what's going on. The police officially registered 21k participants in the "Krach für Kilian" Event. So it were most likely much more than that. They drove by his house for hours.

      @RoxxSerm@RoxxSermАй бұрын
  • What other group of people would take time from their busy lives to come together for this child??? Well done my Biker Brothers and Sisters !! Ride Safe !!

    @davidhogue4402@davidhogue4402 Жыл бұрын
    • Farmers or Truckers….

      @supertramp6011@supertramp6011 Жыл бұрын
  • No language is needed to express humanity. And this is 20,000 reasons why nobody will ever change my mind. We don't need to understand words for the message to be understood.

    @jrtime228@jrtime2284 ай бұрын
  • I don't understand how this was not on tv on every German tv station when it happened. It is beautifull and absolutely heart warming to see that many people come together.

    @morgand.schrader1121@morgand.schrader11212 ай бұрын
  • Young man got a modern day cavalry charge when all he asked for was a few riders. Maybe humans aren't so bad

    @lordofsoup1165@lordofsoup11652 ай бұрын
    • The people in the comment section trying to spin this event into a negative thing makes me doubt that, unfortunately.

      @corvidcorax@corvidcorax2 ай бұрын
  • I have been riding for 55 years,I wish I had been able to be there.There is no better brotherhood, than the one of Bikers. R.I.P. Kilian.

    @stevescott6503@stevescott6503 Жыл бұрын
    • so true...

      @ullix4994@ullix4994 Жыл бұрын
    • Just what I thought as I was watching it

      @franksfiddle9031@franksfiddle9031 Жыл бұрын
  • Humanity at its best.... respect,from Australia...even if I can't understand a word ..I can feel what they are saying...

    @tearuruoterangi7861@tearuruoterangi7861 Жыл бұрын
  • Thank you to every single person who participated. All of u put a huge smile on this little boys face. I don't speak German but humanity has it's own universal language. I could barely see the video for the tears. Again, thank you all

    @barbaratillman8552@barbaratillman8552Ай бұрын
  • from this military veteran 2 all the bikers who show up 4 this little man last dream bring tears 2 my eyes kudos 2 all who participated god bless u all from usa near packers stadium that was so touching

    @gilbertannis6449@gilbertannis6449Ай бұрын
  • I do not speak German but I didn't need to, 20,000 bikers told the story for me.Brilliant & thank you.

    @barryroberts2196@barryroberts21963 ай бұрын
  • This. Is what should be on mainstream news around the globe. God bless 🙏

    @RichieL444@RichieL4444 ай бұрын
  • This is enough to make a grown man cry. Been a bike riding my entire life and have always known that the biking community is awesome.

    @williamswilliams4355@williamswilliams43552 ай бұрын
  • This just popped up in my recommendations and moved me to tears. Such an awesome gift to give to a dying child. Each and every one of those bikers had their hearts in the right place. R. I. P., little sweetheart, I hope you can ride the bike of your dreams where you are now.

    @patriciamillin1977@patriciamillin19772 ай бұрын
    • I wonder if they would have been able to give him a short ride in the middle all of the motorcycles and the noise?

      @witchhazel4135@witchhazel41352 ай бұрын
    • ​@@witchhazel4135 i guess he did ride with his father

      @DeanWinchester-dn2ti@DeanWinchester-dn2ti2 ай бұрын
    • @@witchhazel4135 I also thought that would be awesome, but it seems like he may have been too il

      @patriciamillin1977@patriciamillin19772 ай бұрын
    • @@DeanWinchester-dn2ti Did he? I didn't catch that. That's wonderful.

      @patriciamillin1977@patriciamillin19772 ай бұрын
    • @@patriciamillin1977 wasn't in the video but it is a biker family and his father has a bike so it could be. But I don't know for sure

      @DeanWinchester-dn2ti@DeanWinchester-dn2ti2 ай бұрын
  • Just when life seems to be crap, humanity comes along and shines through the darkness, well done to all involved. Made me well up abit! (Much love from Australia)

    @wildwallaby699@wildwallaby6992 жыл бұрын
    • Had I known at the time, I might have made the trip (from France)…

      @pateris@pateris Жыл бұрын
    • Hey, I was supposed to say that *sniff* I'm not crying you're crying

      @benslater4997@benslater4997 Жыл бұрын
  • It looks like every biker in Germany and some surrounding countries came by. This is awesome. And I’m not crying you’re crying. I’m crying.

    @zsong9600@zsong9600 Жыл бұрын
    • Cutting onions 🌰 again,huh. Darn onions 🌰 gets everyone crying 😢

      @toddepperson7465@toddepperson7465 Жыл бұрын
    • It is a huge lie. It is Brazilian Bikers in Brazil with Mr. Bolsonaro (Brazilian President). You can see a Brazilian flag when you start the vídeo. Seach about MOTOCIATA in Brazil.

      @josehamilton9297@josehamilton9297 Жыл бұрын
    • Me too

      @Assfac@Assfac Жыл бұрын
    • @@josehamilton9297 The bikers shown in the beginning are not the ones in Germany, that's true, but this did actually happen and the rest of the footage is from this occasion. So whoever made this chose the wrong video, but it isn't a total lie

      @miraj5569@miraj5569 Жыл бұрын
    • @@josehamilton9297 news is True, footage is false

      @ardnaxoy@ardnaxoy Жыл бұрын
  • Tough men have the softest hearts, love from Texas

    @krish_4872@krish_48722 ай бұрын
  • East Los Angeles California F.T.W.S 🇺🇸 salutes Kilian and fellow Motorcycle riders of Germany! 🍺🍻.

    @johnleos1687@johnleos1687Ай бұрын
    • This was a demonstration in favor of Bolsonaro former president in São Paulo, Brazil. Search on google: Motociata de Bolsonaro em São Paulo

      @luanbrendo71@luanbrendo71Ай бұрын
    • ​@@luanbrendo71uh no, that was bikers in germany

      @runtergerutscht4401@runtergerutscht440123 күн бұрын
  • I don't understand the language but emotions are far above language... this is so overwhelming I couldn't stop myself from crying..... Hats off to all bikers

    @rajdeepsharma3204@rajdeepsharma3204 Жыл бұрын
  • I‘m 49 and a father of 2 and I literally cried. This is great. All thumbs up for those who participated.!

    @Piett_@Piett_2 ай бұрын
  • Did anyone else find themselves crying through the amazing show of love? Biker’s, absolutely amazing gesture of kindness! Thank You! 🥰🥰🥰

    @wellwait4197@wellwait4197Ай бұрын
  • Whenever children have a wish like this motorcycle riders always seem to step up to the task❤. Thank you all!!!!!

    @1packatak@1packatak4 ай бұрын
  • I'm in tears here. Love & compassion is the true beauty of the human race, in any language. What an outpouring! This is also for those who give bikers a bad rap, it's just not true. GOD BLESS everyone of these wonderful ppl. I can't stop crying.

    @elizabethjones8364@elizabethjones83644 ай бұрын
  • This is why the motorcycle community is the best

    @rawhidelamp@rawhidelampАй бұрын
  • I wanna give some additional context too: This happened back in 2021, on the 24th of Juli. Sadly, Kilian passed away roughly 3 weeks later on the 17th of August 2021.

    @heulboje21@heulboje212 ай бұрын
    • Thanks for the update.

      @PhilJonesIII@PhilJonesIII2 ай бұрын
    • @@PhilJonesIII I wish there were happier news to update with...

      @heulboje21@heulboje212 ай бұрын
    • @@heulboje21 I have six healthy sons, the youngest is 22 and taking his masters. My parents are in their 90s and their siblings still going strong. So incredibly blessed as a family. In the face of certain things we are impotent and there is no discrimination. In no way am I a sentimental person but I'm pretty sure the loss of a child would finish me.

      @PhilJonesIII@PhilJonesIII2 ай бұрын
    • @@PhilJonesIII I don't have children yet, I'll wait till after I have my degree for that, but I absolutely don't know how I'd even go about dealing with that.

      @heulboje21@heulboje212 ай бұрын
    • @SpiritualityUnplugged parents simply shouldn't have to bury their Kids. Such a grand injustice. Not that the other way is more pleasant, but the saddest thing are child-sized coffins.

      @heulboje21@heulboje212 ай бұрын
  • What an incredible gesture from these bikers for a little boy. It warms my hear to see that there is still good in the world.

    @kerrycrook1478@kerrycrook14784 ай бұрын
    • Absolutely ❤ RIP young man 🫶🏼

      @BessyHill.@BessyHill.4 ай бұрын
    • please keep believing in humanity. there is a lot of good in people.

      @evastapaard2462@evastapaard24622 ай бұрын
  • If I was still stationed in Germany I would definitely been on this run for Killian. What a truly beautiful sight to see, and an amazing group of people.

    @slimpkl1809@slimpkl1809 Жыл бұрын
  • RIP Kilian and Mathias, every single one of you riders are heroes, not only did you make Kilian smile, but you made God smile…God bless you all, and may you all ride safe!!!

    @nathanfitten9681@nathanfitten968126 күн бұрын
  • There is still some great humanity left in this world...well done

    @albert290371@albert2903712 ай бұрын
  • I am so proud of my bothers and sisters in Germany. Love and best wishes from England.

    @Lectric_Blue@Lectric_Blue Жыл бұрын
  • The beauty of human compassion for our kids. God bless you all. UK sends its respects.

    @werewulfsco@werewulfsco4 ай бұрын
  • This was absolutely beautiful. No matter where you comefrom, or if you ride or not, i think we can all believe in one phrase: fxck cancer.

    @joshuacarlson5499@joshuacarlson5499Ай бұрын
  • da sieht man, das es auch noch menschen mit herz gibt. diese aktion ist einfach der hammer!

    @bluehawk2393@bluehawk2393Ай бұрын
    • This was a demonstration in favor of Bolsonaro former president in São Paulo, Brazil. Search on google: Motociata de Bolsonaro em São Paulo

      @luanbrendo71@luanbrendo71Ай бұрын
  • How do you not love this we need more of this in the world

    @tonygring5533@tonygring5533 Жыл бұрын
    • It's there you just have to look and participate. The news only want to show the bad because its sensational ratings just like the song BUBBLE HEADED BEACH BLONDE WITH A GLEAM IN HER EYES TELLS YOU ABOUT THE PLANE CRASH WERE EVERYONE DIES. when the common community gets together we can accomplish more than the government can even envision. God bless you and he is watching and smiling on you. Love from old biker USA

      @danhigbee2283@danhigbee2283 Жыл бұрын
  • As a old biker from the past and a vet this brought a smile and tears of joy love from the USA

    @thomasbaldwin5209@thomasbaldwin5209 Жыл бұрын
  • In a cynical world where so many people are only concerned about themselves it's the most beautiful thing I have seen. Bless you all.

    @user-uu1zr5gh4s@user-uu1zr5gh4s2 ай бұрын
  • This made me cry!! How awesome are these bikers! But still poor baby passed away from Cancer!! Rest easy baby boy!😢❤

    @tawnyvareschi@tawnyvareschi17 күн бұрын
  • Respect and thanks to all bikers that came to give this little guy his last wish. You all have the heart on the right place!!

    @DutchResistence@DutchResistence Жыл бұрын