Jared Watney

Jared Watney

Traveling the world showing you as much as I can on all things Yachting.
Boats for sale, charters in remote areas, crew duties, behind the scenes ,boat shows, luxury living and just good old fashioned exploration. The more I can film the better.

I own a small 2 seater bush plane. As lock down came in and I was unable to get to the yachts I had lined up to create content on, I realised I needed another form creative outlet. I have been flying small crafts since 16, so naturally I jumped to these affordable bush planes. I absolutely love this thing.

How do I make money? I create media for various brands. I focus on Ocean Overland and Flight style campaigns. I generate exposure for various super yachts world wide and partially live off KZhead.

Who inspires me? Peter McKinnon | Casey Neistat | Dan Mace | YES Theory and so many more!
