Ewetopia Farms

Ewetopia Farms

Ewetopia Farms is a Canadian sheep farm located in Ontario. Sheep and sheep farming is our passion and we hope that the love we have for what we do is obvious to you the viewers. Our operation is a large scale, registered Suffolk and Poll Dorset sheep farm combining the best of pasture and confinement to manage the flock for maximum comfort, minimal stress, and producing a consistent, very high quality product. Our focus is on providing breeding stock for sale to other sheep producers.
Our goal for all our sheep is to produce high capacity, prolific ewes and well-muscled, conformationally correct rams that will improve anyone's flock. It is not about quantity but quality. We look after our sheep by keeping them healthy, properly fed, handled and treated with the respect animals deserve. A well cared for sheep will also be a more profitable sheep. All farms are different so what we do may not work for you but they may offer some insights, ideas and hopefully some humor!
