Jyothi Sagar

Jyothi Sagar

My name’s Jyothi Sagar and I’ve created this channel to share helpful videos about art craft design, Acrylic painting colors, Paper craft design, food, Re-usage of waste materials, Rangoli topics. Somethings you can expect by subscribing to this channel are homemade acrylic painting, paper crafting tutorial, food video’s and of course other type of content.

I started this channel so I would have a place to express myself, and catalogue my favorite topics , but it grown into a lovely community who value self-expression and great platform to empower others on to be themselves and pursue their happiest and healthiest life.

I’m currently based in Bangalore, India. I’m always down to connect and answer any questions. Feel free to reach out on social media, and if you’d like to contact me for business purpose, you can reach me [email protected].
