

I'm on this for fun, just to share some of my moments with ya, if you laugh while watching my videos then I'm happy even if it changes your day even the slightest. Have a good day 😉

This was originally my older sister channel sammie but she gave me this account a few years back(2015) if you go right down the bottom of my videos you will see a video where she posted back in 2013, the first 2 videos are hers and to be honest she have probably forgotten about the videos

U know I am also uploading videos to this channel so when I'm older and dont play games anymore I can always come back here and remember some good old memories of me and my mates. U know I'm 17(may 2022), nearly an adult and you know my life is gonna change in ways I cant imagine so while I'm still in this stage of life I can share this clips and just come back to feel younger again. And in case I'm no longer here in physical I can always share my moments with you all
