Grumpy Gardener

Grumpy Gardener

GreanBase Ltd. is unique. We are a garden tool manufacturer managed by actual gardeners. Director Mike Smith has over 35 years landscaping experience and has continuously produced problem saving inventions in order to help himself and others in the trade. Mike's best known invention to date is the wheelbarrow booster. A garden tool invented 20 years previously to assist in reducing trips to the compost heap.

GreanBase was formed in March 2011 and following the success of the Wheelbarrow Booster in 2012 on national TV Shows such as The Alan Titchmarsh Show and Dragons Den the company became inundated with idea’s from fellow gardeners with their own ideas. With the ability to bring other peoples inventions to reality, the Grumpy Gardener Range has been born.

The Grumpy Gardener is a symbol for new and innovative quality gardening tools, we want UK manufactured products whenever possible and we insist on long lasting products that can help solve those little problems in the garden.
