Liverpool Live TV CIC (LLTV) is a not for profit social enterprise with a mission to support and promote local talent whilst creating media based work experience and employment opportunities for young people.

With established access to the best events in Liverpool, and an online platform with over 1.5M page views in 2013 growing to 1.85M in 2014. We provide quality coverage of local artists, musicians, events and festivals in the Merseyside region.

We have strong media partnerships with Threshold Festival, Above the Beaten Track, Astral Coast, Farm Feast, Liverpool Acoustic Festival and LIMF with many more partnerships around the city including Clapperboard UK. LLTV is also the home of the Red Sofa Sessions music series.

One of our key objectives is to offer a free platform for under the radar musicians and artists to promote their talent. If you would like to talk about an upcoming event or feature on programmes such as the Red Sofa Sessions, we’d love to hear from you.
