Dilnoza Akbarova

Dilnoza Akbarova

Dilnoza Akbarovani Producer number: +99894 8333333
Contact number for weddings and ceremonies: +99894 8333333
Telegram, Whatsapp, Imo, Wechat +99894 8333333
@ Telegram t.me/Dilnoza_Akbarova
Phone number: ☎ +99894 8333333

Dilnoza Akbarova was born on October 18, 1990 in the Kibray district of the Tashkent region. His parents are originally from Andijan. In 1997 he was admitted to the 1st grade of the gymnasium No. 1 in Andijan. From 2001 he continued his education in the 5th grade of high school at the Glier Music Academic Lyceum in Tashkent. Dilnoza was awarded the Nihol State Prize in 2011. In the same year he entered the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan on the basis of the grant "Nihol". To date, Dilnoza Akbarova's repertoire includes more than 22. The song "Happiness" was performed as a duet with the famous Russian singer Nikolai Baskov. Dilnoza is a huge fan of Indian actor Shah Rukh Khan. He loves Indian movies and songs very much.
