Heavenly Eyes - Meditation Music

Heavenly Eyes - Meditation Music

Heavenly Eyes - Meditation Music presents you the calm, relaxing meditation music. Help yourself to receive many benefits, like keeping your stress away, making you creative, helping you have a good sleep, removing negative energy, boosting positive energy, awakening intuition, and many more. We compose every music with the following frequencies:
(a) Solfeggio Frequencies:

▪ 174 Hz
▪ 285 Hz
▪ 396 Hz
▪ 417 Hz
▪ 528 Hz
▪ 639 Hz
▪ 741 Hz
▪ 852 Hz
▪ 963 Hz

(b)Angel Number Frequencies:

▪ 111 Hz
▪222 Hz
▪ 333 Hz
▪ 444 Hz
▪ 555 Hz
▪ 666 Hz
▪ 777 Hz
▪ 888 Hz
▪ 999 Hz

We also make the video upon your request. So please feel free to request a video in the comment section. Love ya...

“Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think." - Buddha

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