Linor Oren - voice teacher

Linor Oren - voice teacher

Singer and singing teacher. Online, and on location in Amsterdam and Utrecht.

Here’s a paradox: some passionate singing students resist practice.

It’s not that they’re lazy. They simply can't stand sounding ‘bad’ during an exercise.

I’m the last person to judge people for this. I’ve been through all the mental and physical issues that kept me from singing with joy.

But it frustrates me that a stupid issue gets in the way of people's passion, like it once did with me.

Let me tell you this: your love for singing won’t go away. I’ve had first-time students of a respectable age. My oldest freshman was 68!

As a singing teacher, I clean up the mess for you: replacing bad habits with new ones.

You need a system that replaces ‘I sucked!’ with an objective system to build on. That's my online course Make singing click.

SingWell with Yoga:
