Niko Timer

Niko Timer

My Name is Nick!
I'm a truck driver. I love my job for being dangerous and unpredictable. I take videos of my daily work on camera and try to convey the mood with which I work. Driving a big car is easy in a straight road, but sometimes I have not simple routes to settlements, cities and narrow roads. In such situations, you need to have caution and attention. Unfortunately, different situations happen in life but I always have a positive mood and self-confidence!
Especially for those who want to record the work of rest and driving while working as a truck driver, I created Trucker time drivers Diary notes Nikotimer: A Notebook for truck drivers in which you can record work and rest times, record the daily and weekly run of the truck.
This color book is very good quality for your convenience! If you like to write data in notebooks or diaries, then you will like such a book. You write the date yourself and it is on this that such a notebook will serve you for a long time.
