Quietly Magnetic

Quietly Magnetic

If like millions of people around the world you answer yes to the below, then this channel is created for you!

Are you an introvert and anxious that you're perceived as shy, boring with low self-esteem?

Have you tried transforming yourself into an extrovert, only to feel more nervous, insecure and awkward?

My goal with this channel is to help fellow introverts like you to master the quiet confidence that lies within, whilst remaining true to who you are, by harnessing the habits that come naturally to you.

In my fortnightly videos, I break down famous successful introverts (from history, literature, on-screen, and present-day), with one fundamental characteristic in common, they're quietly magnetic.

Be sure to subscribe to my channel for motivational self-improvement advice; providing you with a blueprint curated from those worth emulating, on how to realise your potential, influence your relationships and live an inspiring life (...quietly, extroversion not required!).
