Traktoristy LLC

Traktoristy LLC

The "Traktoristy LLC" group of companies has been specializing in the sale of agricultural machinery, tractors, mulchers, rotary tillers, mounted equipment, and spare parts since 1999.

We are official dealers of leading European manufacturers of machinery and equipment, such as SUOKONE, SERRAT, SCHMIDT, KIRPY, JUNKKARI, FEMAC, JAPA, MODULARIS, SAVANNAH, SPEARHEAD, ELHO, PRONAR, AGRONIC, FARESIN, PALMS, NISULA, GRENIER FRANCO, DIPPERFOX, and FORS MW.

Use our mobile applications "MULCHER" and "Tractoristy " for quick access to products and services.

Visit our websites: tractors, mounted equipment, and spare parts mulchers, chippers, and mowers rotary tillers and peat harvesting equipment livestock farming and fodder production
For cooperation inquiries, please contact us by phone at +7 953 415 7315 or by email at [email protected].
