Russian with Puma Messi

Russian with Puma Messi

This channel was initially created for those who love Puma Messi and want to learn Russian. Inspired by the global admiration for Messi and the desire to bridge language barriers, I (Lilian) began this journey to bring Russian learning closer to Messi enthusiasts worldwide.
As the channel evolved, so did my content. While the love for Messi remains strong, it's time to acknowledge that Russian with Puma Messi is not just about Messi anymore. Don Pepas and I have crafted our own unique content that has resonated with many of you. While Messi, Gerda, Masha, and Sasha remain close to our hearts, I am exploring new horizons.
This is the journey of language learning with a blend of fun, education, and a touch of Messi magic!
© Russian with Puma Messi
If you want to use materials from my channel, please contact me for permission.
email [email protected]
Если вы хотите изучать английский, вам сюда
