

This is the channel of russian pet Buddy the sable.
Sable is a small omnivorous mammal living in North Ural and Siberia

Buddy is a fur farm rescue.

He came to us as a 2-month-old baby and now he grew up in such a fluffy cutie who brings a lot of positive to our life, despite his hyperactive and restless nature.
We invite you to get acquainted with Buddy's life and get your dose of BUDDYPOSITIVE

If you want to see more of BUDDIPOSITIVE content - we are in the social networks:
Inst - instagram.com/sablebuddy
Fb - facebook.com/sablebuddy-2338171202892553/
Zen - zen.yandex.ru/id/5dcc29825563ed655c358e77

Buy a photo or a T-shirt with a charge of Buddy Positive:
Photo - sablebuddy.smugmug.com/My-First-Gallery/
MyPrint - sablebuddy.myprintbar.ru/
