Educational Engineering Team

Educational Engineering Team

Arduino, PIC Microcontroller, Raspberry Pi and embedded systems microcontrollers tutorials courses and tips
Educational Engineering Team

Educational Engineering Team is a Leading Team in Microcontroller Industry, with over 13 Years of Experience in Teaching and Doing Practical Projects.

Educational Engineering Team has been in the Programming and Microcontroller business since 2007. We have been part of many projects. Over the course of these years - we have gained a good insight into students’ and educators’ needs. We are passionate about sharing all our collective knowledge with you. As of 2018, we have already taught over 250k students and counting.

Currently, we have more than 100+ Courses on Udemy
Educational Engineering Team offer Course on
Circuit Design, Simulation, and PCB Fabrication
Arduino, PIC Microcontroller, and Raspberry Pi
Programming in C, Python, and other programming languages
PLC Industrial Programming and Automation
3D Design and Simulation
ESP and IoT World
