Chucky Wright

Chucky Wright

Just an Adventurous kid that struggles with trying to find what he wants to do in life! I am an extreme athlete, and I try all kinds of sports, and always down to try new ones as soon as I see something eye-catching.. my problem is I cant pick one and stick to it.. here are a few sports/hobbies I've invested countless hours in.
Another update thought as of 10/13/2021-ive come to realize with sports the more and more you chase and rush and the adrenaline feeling, the more and more you reach that point of materialistic things do not mean anything, its the people and memories you make with those people through experiencing things. im just beyond grateful i have God in my life and always right by my side through all these crazy adventures!

Stay close to the lord you never know what new experience might be your last.

I love challenges and competition drives me to go above and beyond to push my limits to the max!

Facebook-Chucky Wright
Owner of- Living Limitless
