Стас Торопов - Ведущий и Организатор мероприятий!

Стас Торопов - Ведущий и Организатор мероприятий!

Ms and Presenter of celebrations Stas hurry.
Best MS Awards 2014 Florina.
Leading television project "Star Dancing in Givet 'channel Ural Inform TV - Perm 2014.
Leading TV project "Live, Dance, they do" on the channel Ural Inform TV Perm 2015
TV Presenter RUSSIA 24 -Perm 'Proven Me "
Producer of the project "SHOW RING 'star fights.
Director of ST-production.ru - Events Management.
Art - Director and Resident clubs Territory 44 (2011-2013) and Shake (2008 -2011)
Director of Video studio "Kino"
Member of the body - the project "Comedy Battle" on TNT.
Actor show "Real Guys" (role in a series)
