Oz Cro Soccer Show

Oz Cro Soccer Show

SOCCER - or 'nogomet', as we say in Croatian - has always been more than a sport to Croats in Australia since the post-War pioneers of our community first arrived here back in the early 1950s.

It has always been that unifying force that has captured the community spirit and allowed our Croatian communities throughout the Land Down Under to thrive and remain strong despite the arrival of the third and even fourth generations of Australian Croats on the scene.

Today it remains one of the few truly uniting tools that bridges the gap between the Domovina and the Diaspora.

With that in mind, we have developed the all new Oz Cro Soccer Show podcast, to be broadcast weekly in English and which will endeavour to cover all the latest news, views and current affairs concerning all things football - both with the Croatian community football clubs in Australia as well as the general football scene in Croatia - from an Australian Croatian perspective.
