Runescape Reorchestrated

Runescape Reorchestrated

Welcome to RuneScape Reorchestrated!

If you are new, here is what you can expect:

- High quality renders of Old School RuneScape music, on release day.
- High quality remixes (reworks) of RuneScape music, both new and old.
- MIDI File Transcriptions of new non-MIDI tracks, typically from RuneScape 3.
- MIDI File fixes and experimentation with the different RuneScape soundbanks.
- Reorchestrated or reimagined RuneScape tracks, attempting to imitate a live orchestra.
- Programming tools, memes, and much more!

This is a fan project run by Rodolfo, not affiliated with Jagex.

I use Cubase Pro & Logic Pro, with East West Composer Cloud instruments.
The rest of the stuff I use are some Audio and MIDI Effects provided by Cubase/Logic.

My RuneScape username is RS Orchestra.
