Delci • A Life of Heritage

Delci • A Life of Heritage

Are you ready? Find solutions for busy homesteaders from "A Life of Heritage" right here. Visit my website for much more!

Bill, Delci, and two cute kids from MONTANA (zone 3) will bring you lots of delight as they share their tips and experiences about goats, pigs, gardening, cows, horses guineas, name it!

We want to live a life of heritage and pass that down to our kids. We want to live it and breathe it.

And we believe YOU have a heritage as well. We want to help you find it so you can live it and breathe it too.

It is a very important belief that you can never have too many animals. So an important goal rises to the top: learn how to make even the smallest of properties profitable.

Maybe a list of over 230 ideas on how to profit homesteading would help? Go to for more details on how to download a free list of those ideas. It will be a great jumpstart to helping make your dreams come true.

PO Box 225
Lewistown, MT 59457
