David Rosendahl

David Rosendahl

We've helped BMW, Microsoft, Harvard, Facebook, and 15,000+ other companies in 24 countries grow using an OptiChannel Marketing Platform that combines direct mail, email, social, and other channels to create more leads and sales.

We've made the Inc 500 list twice as one of the top 10 fastest-growing software companies.

In addition to our work with Enterprises, we also serve Agencies and Commercial Printers.

Commercial Printers use our platform and services to:

1) Create more leads to drive print sales, by launching intelligent marketing campaigns (using many channels including print, email, social, and more) that seek out their best prospects/clients for engagement, conversation, and eventually, a sale; and/or

2) Grow and diversify revenues by offering marketing technology to their clients (using the same sorts of campaigns as above) as a way to add more value to the printer's ink/paper offerings.

Learn more at MindFireInc.com!
