Munich Television

Munich Television

Besides Munich´s most popular news program “münchen heute”, mü is all about the different facets of Munich - be it politics, police activities, cars and sports, stars, starlets and film premieres. “Menschen in München” - a talk with high celebrity factor, “Stadtgespräch” - a talk about local politics, “Stammtisch” - meeting with real people in and around Munich - everything is related to Munich and Bavaria. Programs such as “Stadtrundgang”, “110-Das Polizeimagazin, “3G-Gerhard gibt Gas” provide locally-colored infotainment, while “Unser München” shows the most amazing sides of the Bavarian capital itself.
The undisputed highlight however is the Munich Oktoberfest - mü broadcasting a three-hour live show directly from the largest beer-festival in the world.

mü (Munich Television)

München Live TV Fernsehen GmbH & Co.KG
Marcel - Breuer - Str . 18-20
80807 München
CEO: Christoph Winschuh

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