Coach Karen

Coach Karen

Karen is a consciousness coach sharing her experiences to help guide others on their ascension. She starting waking in 2016 when hot flashes made many things in life difficult as she couldn't get away from her own body that was burning her alive from the inside. She changed her life from being an employee working at a bank (just to pay the bills) quiting that job to take care of herself. She learned that God/the universe /the creator of all...was supporting her and was taking her on a journey of enlightenment . Taking care of herself morphed day by day into a new exciting lifestyle doing homesteading/permaculture. She spent her days barefoot now, connecting to the earth for her health. She found herself enjoying waking early again to take care of the animals. Caring for the plants & animals brings Karen much joy, especially as she shares the abundance with her community. Many wonderful people show up in her life, unlocking new downloads and more …creating joy.
