Demian Aditya Channel

Demian Aditya Channel

This is my Official channel, you can see all of my creation. I love magic, music and mystery. And that is what you will find here in my channel

Is video about my everyday things that I did, sharing magical tips, my journey to some place, and some funny things in my life

My creation, my illusions, my off air show, my close up magic.. all video is about magic

My way on helping younger magicians to get more knowledge on art of magic, it’s about attitude, respect and preserve the art it self

Short and visual magic from my instagram

My horror web series based on true story that happened in my house, yes.. my house that I'm living in right now
Rather than just telling it, I prefer to showing u what it looks like thru reenactment video

Short horror movie based on the story that happened in my surrounding and other people experience
