Collector Togami

Collector Togami

(Formerly Bishop Cyas)

Chances are you're here because of my Fire Emblem What If videos, where I killed god knows how many FE units. I've posted a good deal of FE content. Or more recently, Pokemon Let's Go.

I am a Pokemon collector, RNGer, and researcher. My personal collection covers all seven generations. My channel has all notable boss battles from single-player challenges, such as the Battle Frontier, Subway, Maison, and Tree. If there is a challenge I have missed, please do let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Please ask me for permission if you want to use footage from my videos in your content. Unauthorized usage can and will result in copyright claims. If you believe your content was used in one of my videos, please let me know and I will credit properly.

The fastest way to contact me is via Twitter. The link is below.
