

As salaamu calayikum

This is your brother Geeljire (nickname). I want to welcome you all to my channel. We'll be posting the Noble Qur'an and anything related to Islam.

Wa walalkin GeelJire, Kuso dhawada Beerta Cusub

Quranka Kariimka iyo Diinta waxi kusabsan ban so dhigena

The purpose of this channel is to help people learn the Qur'an through repetition and regular reminders of its teachings. Additionally, we aim to inform and introduce people to Makkah, Madinah, and mosques around the world.

Most of the videos are captured by me using my camera, Ray-Ban Meta smart glasses, or my phone. Occasionally, there are images or videos sourced from stock footage.

I hope you enjoy the content, and thank you in advance for your support in spreading the message of the Qur'an.
