O'Donnell's Aussie Homestead

O'Donnell's Aussie Homestead

G'day, how's it going?
Fair dinkum ozzy based in the Central Coast, N.S.W.
Follow me on my journey of vlogging my hobby farm! Even though I say its a homestead its not quite there yet as I progress more and more working on creating and expanding. At this point in time I keep quail, chickens (chooks), turkeys, ducks, geese, rabbits, cows, pigs, alpacas, guinea fowl and our awesome Maremma guardian dog (named Ghost).

Our Loggo is our O'Donnell coat of arms.
The name O’Donnell literally translates to “world mighty” or “world rulers.”
The O'Donnell motto is "In Hoc Signo Vinces" which means "Victorious with the Sign of the Cross."

Only just starting out on KZhead so it would be a rippa if you subscribe to the channel, like on every video and ring that bloody bell to see my content as soon as it hits ya front door.

Cheers legends!
