Introduction To Soviet Post-Punk (Test Video)

2023 ж. 7 Қаң.
10 682 Рет қаралды

This is my first attempt at making a video. Hopefully, you can find some good music here.
All music and footage belong to their respective owners.
Spotify playlist with the music available
Discord: / discord
List of songs featured in the video with original names
Sonans - Honest Man/Сонанс - Честный парень
Трек - Клей/Trek - Glue
Dzeltenie Pastnieki - Zaļais Garais Vilciens
NSRD - Trīs brāļi
Stranniye Igri - Solipsism/Странные Игры - Солипсизм
Coffee - Princess/Кофе - принцесса
DK - New Turn/ДК - Новый Поворот
Detachment Named After Valery Chkalov - VVS/Отряд Имени Валерия Чкалова - ВВС
Center - Magician/ Центр - Волшебница
Televizor - Kids Are Leaving/ Televizor - Дети уходят
Igri - Release/ Игры - Освобождение
The Young Brothers - Outskirt Water/Младшие Братья - Вода окраин
Civil Uprising - Breznev Is Alive/Народное ополчение - Брежнев жив
Nesterov Rope - Wind/Петля Нестерова - Ветер
Bad Influence - Right Now/Дурное влияние - Сейчас
Southwest - Why Did You Think I Was A Nazi?/Юго-Запад - С Чего Ты Решила, Что Я Нацист?
Kino - Close The Door, I Am Leaving/Кино - Закрой за мной дверь
Ole Lukkoye - Ashes/Оле Лукойе - Пепел
Auktyon - Fa Fa Fa/АукцЫон - Фа Фа Фа
Neckermann Diamonds - Lullaby/Бриллианты от Неккермана - Колыбельная
Stereozoldat - Good!Стерео зольдат - Хорошо!
Avia - Bombay/ АВИА - Bombay
Central Russian Upland - Galya, Keep Walking/Среднерусская возвышенность - Галя гуляй
Nikolay Kopernik-Motherland/Николай Коперник - Родина
Ночной проспект - Остатки сомнений/ Night Avenue - Remains Of Doubt
Insitute Of Cosmetics - Deputy In A Locomotive/НИИ Косметики - Депутаты в электричке
Bioconstuctor - Bioconstructor/Биоконструктор - Биоконструктор
Alyans - At Dawn/Альянс - На заре
Tupiye - Chocolate Cafe/Тупые - Шоколадное кафе
Zvuki Mu - Bottle Of Vodka/Звуки Му - Бутылка водки
Zvuki Mu - Parachutist/Звуки Му - Парашютист
Obermaneken - In The Leo Constellation/Оберманекен - В созвездии Льва
Alisa - Wind Of Change/Алиса - Ветер перемен
Alisa - Air/Алиса - Воздух
Nautilus Pompilius - Warm Snow Was Falling/ Nautilus Pompilius - Падал теплый снег
Nautilus Pompilius - Goodbye America/Nautilus Pompilius - Goodbye America (also known as Последнее письмо)
April March - Evening/Апрельский марш - Вечер
Agatha Christie - Ticklish/Агата Кристи - Щекотно
Cabinet - Dreams Of Dogs/Кабинет - Грезы Псов
Meaningful Hallucinations - Trashy/Смысловые галлюцинации - Убогие
Association - I Am The Same As/Ассоциация - Я такой же
Beat Madness - Trahtibidok/Бит бардак - Трахтибидох
Insarov - Smoky Kiss/Инсаров - Дымный поцелуй
BM - Tomorrow/БМ - Завтра
Bamboo Knocks - White Lilly Of The Valley Of Death/Стук бамбука в XI часов - Белый чёрт ландыш
Dodo Males/Самцы Дронта - Wilde Smile
Velvet and Velvet Dolls - Иглы/Needles
Vova Blue And Brothers Of The Mind - Industry/Вова Синий и Братья по разуму - Индустрия
Bad Boys - Supercop/Бэд Бойз - Супермент
Deviation From The Norm - Zina/Отклонение от нормы - зина
Activity Zone - This Land Doesn´t Need More Soldiers/ Зона Активности - Земли Не Нужны Солдаты (also known as Нет Нет Нет)
Anarchy-Emptiness/Анархия - Пустота
Tsygonyata And Me From Iliych - Urbanism Determinism/Цыганята и я с Ильича - Урбанизм-детерминизм
Yanka - From A Big Mind/Янка - От большого ума
Black Lukich - We Walk In Silence/Чёрный Лукич - Мы идём в тишине
Instructions For Survival - Beginning Of Winter/Инструкция по выживанию - Начало зимы
Spinki Menta - Medical Institute/Спинки мента - Мединститут
Kuzya UO - The Colour Black/Кузя УО - Чёрный цвет
Communism/Коммунизм - Like A Rolling Sone (also known as Бери шинель)
Leper Colony - Breaking The Axe Over The Head/Будни лепрозория - Ломит голову топор
BOMSH - Calcerous Entities/ БОМЖ - Известковые сущности
Private Enterprise - In The Night/Закрытое Предприятие - В ночи
Pik Klakson - Your Paradoxical Brain/Пик Клаксон - парадоксален твой мозг
Industrial Architecture - Determinism/Промышленная архитектура - Детерминизм
Velikije Luki - Kohvik
Pekin Rou Rou - Spring/Пекин Роу Роу - Весна
Retsepti - Modi Male/რეცეპტი - მოდი მალე
Babylon - During The Night/Вавилон - Ночью
7B - Righ Now/7Б - Только сейчас
Moomin Troll - Hello Pop/Мумий тролль - Алло, Попс!
Heat Committee - In Trouble Again/Комитет охраны тепла - Опять попали
Uncertainty principle (made a translation mistake in the video) - Gendarmerie/
Принцип неопределенности - Жандармерия
Betelgeuze - Shining/Бетельгейзе - Светило
Eastern Syndrome - Doll/Восточный синдром - Кукла
Hronop - Bonfire/Хроноп - Костёр
Bix - Kuo blogiau, tuo geriau
Agatha Christie - Opium For Nobody/Агата Кристи - Опиум для никого

  • Guy, your Russian is just wonderful, for me personally as a Russian

    @sauronartano8880@sauronartano8880Ай бұрын
  • Thank you so much for this video and channel. I’m from Norway and I was first introduced to russian rock music on a norwegian tv-show about the subject in 1991. I was very young (11) and very fascinated by the fact that there is a lot of good rock music in the world we never get to hear because it’s just not distributed in Norway or most of the western world. Over 30 years later and it hasn’t gotten much better so it’s great to find this. Thanks again 😊

    @peroskarstorholm4196@peroskarstorholm41962 ай бұрын
  • Found you through your rym account and I just wanna say that this is a super high quality video, thank you for introducing me into a genre I've been interested in for a minute

    @swiftysnail9053@swiftysnail905316 күн бұрын
  • Kino was amazing, sad we lost Victor so early in his life.

    @fkat1666@fkat1666Ай бұрын
  • "Spinki menta" - без адаптации на англ. язык 😂 А вообще - классный ролик. Много чего узнал нового.

    @user-qr8ti7xi5d@user-qr8ti7xi5dАй бұрын
  • So sorry what this video got so few views. This great content and very high quality editing deserves so much more

    @CyberpunkChanel@CyberpunkChanel2 ай бұрын
  • Your documentary on Soviet post punk was very informative and interesting. From just a few of the comments I've read here, you not only shined a light on these bands/performers for a western population, but also, for people from those areas of the world as well. Great work!💯👍

    @georgedantz3617@georgedantz3617Ай бұрын
  • Your video is like a real post-punk. Loved by the few, hidden gem!

    @wrongIQ@wrongIQ20 күн бұрын
  • Really cool video! I know a decent amount about UK/US post punk but now I'm trying to learn more about its history in other countries. Really interesting and gave me a lot of bands to look further into, great job!

    @LittleBoxOfWeird@LittleBoxOfWeird2 ай бұрын
  • Хорош мужик, половину этих групп не знал, теперь может послушаю. Продолжай в том же духе. Было бы неплохо рассказать о постсоветском пост панке. Там тоже много интересного

    @kuxarka1857@kuxarka1857 Жыл бұрын
    • Thanks for the idea, will definitely make a video continuing this topic.

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184 Жыл бұрын
  • Whoa, that's a pretty extensive video essay, covering such wide range of bands. Thank you so much! Definitely had heard several new names. I've been interested in 80s soviet music for years, and I know about only 70% of bands you featured in this video. As for the favorites, which probably didn't land in your other videos or compilations, I would like to point out: Иванов Даун / Ivanov Down - They were from Kyiv, playing mostly mostly atonal / noisy / no wave-ish stuff. Definitely check their "Best Urban Technical Noises" album. Хуго-уго / Hugo-Ugo - They were from Tolyatti. Also some of their brighter and stripped-down tracks were recorded solely by their leader, Максим Котомцев / Max Kotomtsev - Матросская тишина / Sailor's silence - At least one guy comes from Rostov-on-Don, others are from Moscow.

    @Ogledalo79@Ogledalo79Ай бұрын
    • I actually want to make an entire video about Mattroskaya Tishina as they are one of my favorites, I just want to do it when I get s bigger following.

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184Ай бұрын
  • классная подача

    @bodrjaga@bodrjaga2 күн бұрын
  • Спасибо. Очень интересен посторонний взгляд на нашу музыку. Не знал многих из представленных в видео исполнителей. Здесь идёт речь про пост-панк, но кажется, что не хватает в списке Александра Башлачёва, которого, допустим, Артемий Троицкий считает величайшим исполнителем той эпохи, хоть он и причисляется к так называемому бард-року.

    @user-sr8fj7lf7n@user-sr8fj7lf7nАй бұрын
    • According to accent - not so external view. Sounds definitely like russian pretending to sound not russian. Great review though, who cares.

      @necroarchetype@necroarchetypeАй бұрын
    • так башлачев и не пост-панк - сам же говоришь

      @romanaleksandroff206@romanaleksandroff206Ай бұрын
  • very interesting video, it's amazing what can be done in artistically oppressive times, the human spirit isn't one that can be broken so easily, even in darkest of times we can always find beauty in the shadows

    @sneedelic@sneedelic Жыл бұрын
  • very nice informative video! great hello from novosibirsk

    @dariaavdeeva@dariaavdeeva4 ай бұрын
  • Храни вас Бог за ваш канал!

    @poidemkomnedomoy@poidemkomnedomoy Жыл бұрын
    • Thank you! Also great profile pic (Кирпичи тяжелы)

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184 Жыл бұрын
  • Very, very much. Extremely enjoy this video. Fantastic job 😻

    @j.j.hyacinth7264@j.j.hyacinth72642 ай бұрын
  • Great video. I wish more of this stuff was on Spodify. Beat Madness really reminded me of Oingo Boingo. Heat Commitee seems to be big fans of The Clash, or even Big Audio Dynamite. The very Alyans track you sampled at 20:12 is the only song in this video that I knew, and is on a playlist.

    @devenscience8894@devenscience889423 күн бұрын
  • omg you mentioned my city - Rostov-na-Donu, what a great research you've made!

    @cantosdeviolencia@cantosdeviolencia Жыл бұрын
  • You got picked by the algorithm man, got recommended here in Brazil. Great video🤙🏾

    @pedrolima79@pedrolima79 Жыл бұрын
  • Даешь советский нью вейв в массы!

    @user-uc1lj6go6o@user-uc1lj6go6oАй бұрын
  • i absolutely loved this video

    @badassserbboy7135@badassserbboy7135 Жыл бұрын
  • Very nice, thank you!

    @astrooophyllite@astrooophyllite6 ай бұрын
  • Amazing video, once again very insightful. Would be very interesting to see more detailed follow-up videos on certain artists (like Kino or Letov for example)

    @bruhkebab4281@bruhkebab4281Ай бұрын
  • Really interesting! Highly recommend!

    @oscarschwartz300@oscarschwartz300 Жыл бұрын
  • Классный ролик! If you keep going, I'd say give names both in original and translated. Easier to figure out алфавит than find search results for old Russian bands in English.

    @kemitchell@kemitchell Жыл бұрын
    • I have added the list of songs to the video description. Hopefully, this makes it easier to find the music.

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184 Жыл бұрын
  • very well made video, i seem to learn a lot when you're involved! thank you for introducing me to so much amazing music.

    @ebbyaych@ebbyaych Жыл бұрын
  • Комментарий для продвижения ролика состоящий из четырёх и более слов

    @hapaxlegomemnon@hapaxlegomemnonАй бұрын
  • Very nice rewiev, thanks! ("Igry" and "AVIA" -- are both shard of "Strannye Igry", AFAICR)

    @user-jm3xl7rg5k@user-jm3xl7rg5kАй бұрын
  • my favs from that period are definitely Durnoe Vliyanie, Zvuki Mu and АукцЫон 😌

    @cantosdeviolencia@cantosdeviolencia Жыл бұрын
    • Those are great choices

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184 Жыл бұрын
  • Thanks for video, bro. It's very big job. If you will come back to this theme (soviet post-punk and synth-pop), you can listen this songers: Форум (Forum), Алексей Вишня (Alexey Vishnya) and group Квартал (Kvartal) with their song "Paramaribo" (Парамарибо). And also group Auktsion (Аукцыон), they're cool (songs Nepman (Нэпман), toska (тоска). Sorry about mistakes, don't speak english well.

    @user-hp8mv2wl1c@user-hp8mv2wl1c2 ай бұрын
    • And also good songs of soviet underground (post-punk, synth-pop, electronic): Sergey Kuryokhin - tragedy in minimalist style (Сергей Курёхин - Трагедия в стиле минимализм) Eduard Artemyev - soundtrack to film "Courier" (Эдуард Артемьев - Саундтрек к к/ф "Курьер") Original - How did you know? (Оригинал - Сен Қайдан Биласан) Duboviy Gaay - Autumn (Дубовый Гаайъ - Осень) Skryabin - it will rain (Скрябін - Най буде дощ) Dos Mukasan - Betpak Dala (Дос-Мукасан - Бетпак Дала) Aquarium - radio Shao lin (Аквариум - Радио Шао Линь) Picnic - Hieroglyph (Пикник - Иероглиф)

      @user-hp8mv2wl1c@user-hp8mv2wl1c2 ай бұрын
    • @@user-hp8mv2wl1c Thank you for the comments. I have already made a video on Eduard Artemyev, hope you enjoy it.

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet11842 ай бұрын
    • you recommend auktsion and dont mention дорога?

      @magnoliy08@magnoliy08Ай бұрын
    • @@magnoliy08, this song is of course good, but, in my opinion, the group "Auktsion" has more interesting songs. for example, “Sleep Soldier” (Спи солдат) , “Shards” (Осколки), “Happy Birthday” (С днём рождения), "Bird" (Птица) and others. And this group is a stage show. It is advisable to study it by watching live concerts.

      @user-hp8mv2wl1c@user-hp8mv2wl1cАй бұрын
  • 39:12 Spinki Menta is the early name of Chernyi Lukich, not another band.

    @rozhed@rozhed12 сағат бұрын
  • Конечно некоторые группы тут тяжело отнести к пост-панку, но в целом конечно стоит их вспоминать. Не знаю, были ли у ваших видео группы плана «Мотогонки», «Хуго-Уго», «Элен», «Зазеркалье», «Холодный Дождь», «Вечерняя Школа», группы Сантима? Отдельно также можно вспомнить о творчестве группы «Дубовый Гаайъ». В целом контент интересный, спасибо

    @redsun8006@redsun8006Ай бұрын
    • All great bands that deserve a video of their own. Especially Duboviy Gai.

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184Ай бұрын
  • Awesome video, I definitely learnt something :))

    @florianotto3133@florianotto31332 ай бұрын
  • @11:34 "Why does this dude have an OP-1 in 1984 oh wait". Now I'm interested in that thingie.

    @freemancrowbar@freemancrowbar Жыл бұрын
  • It’s the Soviet Trash Theory! I dig it

    @jellymop@jellymop16 күн бұрын
  • great video, was very surprised to hear my home country and city here

    @xcxjcxfjff5656@xcxjcxfjff5656Ай бұрын
  • 11:41 i wonder what were they social background when they had in 1984 fender belts and yamaha sgv :oo

    @przegrywentertainment2725@przegrywentertainment2725 Жыл бұрын
  • awesome! can i get a list of bands mentioned in the siberian punk part? can't find all the names

    @iskra8029@iskra8029 Жыл бұрын
  • Bravo

    @swafty5813@swafty5813Ай бұрын
  • you forgot to mention Akvarium that was the most influential band in the beginning of the Soviet Post-Punk

    @mikhail1615@mikhail1615Ай бұрын
    • Aquarium experimented with New Wave on their 80s album but their music was more akin to old-school Art Rock traditions, and then later the band moved towards a more Folk Rocky sound. Obviously an influential band but not really a post-punk one.

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184Ай бұрын
    • @@melodybuffet1184 yes, exactly. They were the first to create a massive following for post punk and new wave music in ussr, but then they switched to other styles

      @mikhail1615@mikhail1615Ай бұрын
    • "Aquarium" == post-punk? No. More like default "hippy-rock".

      @user-jm3xl7rg5k@user-jm3xl7rg5kАй бұрын
    • @@user-jm3xl7rg5k послушай альбомы Табу, Электрошок, MCI, Электричество - вообще все редкие записи с электрическим звуком, которые они смогли сделать в начале 80х. Конечно, постпанк не был главным направлением творчества Аквариума, но эта группа была главной в самом факте появления постпанка в ссср

      @mikhail1615@mikhail1615Ай бұрын
  • To western listeners I really can'y recommend enough to listen to Agatha Christie full discography. It is amazing, my favourite album is Uragan (1998). It's very dark and beautiful with super catchy hooks and riffs in every song

    @weaintfriendsweaintfriends7346@weaintfriendsweaintfriends734629 күн бұрын
    • As a Russian, I approve fs You can find a video clip of Moryak(Моряк-Seaman) song here on yt. Really great thing

      @personaljeezus@personaljeezus21 күн бұрын
  • 31:20 they were both not from chelyabinsk but from chelyabinsk70 aka snezhinsk

    @przegrywentertainment2725@przegrywentertainment2725 Жыл бұрын
  • Thank you for educational experience, seems like only foreigner can teach us to our real history 😅Unfortunately natives prefer to mention only popular bands and authors in their essays. UPD was shocked with info about Izhevsk IDM scene

    @tynik69@tynik693 ай бұрын
  • Damn that was really cool from soviet guys my favorite is СпиД and girl punk group Женская болезнь So there then is obscure guys сибирский мастурбатор but they from 90 AND Ольга Горпенко she is poetist but some of her lyrics are set to music

    @chmonyaee1598@chmonyaee1598Ай бұрын
  • Could you please post track list. Thank you!

    @bigdebbie6265@bigdebbie6265 Жыл бұрын
    • Hello, sorry for the late response but the list of songs with their original names is in the video description now.

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184 Жыл бұрын
  • Any one know where I could find Nesterov Rope music? Thank you.

    @bigdebbie6265@bigdebbie6265 Жыл бұрын
    • Hi, you can find Nesterov Rope on Spotify and also KZhead

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184 Жыл бұрын
  • 10:46 say what now

    @georgeetboom7719@georgeetboom77192 ай бұрын
  • Bro you should make a discord to start growing your community

    @badassserbboy7135@badassserbboy7135 Жыл бұрын
    • Will work on that

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184 Жыл бұрын
  • I can't find that Private Enterprise song anywhere.

    @_loss_@_loss_ Жыл бұрын
    • (the video is fanmade, I think)

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184 Жыл бұрын
    • @@melodybuffet1184 Thank you so much. Great documentary, btw. Hope to see more content.

      @_loss_@_loss_ Жыл бұрын
  • Bioconstructor is soviet Depeche Mode

    @Beeswax_..@Beeswax_..Ай бұрын
    • Yes and so was Mesmer, Action Directe, Zakritoe Predriyatie, Tehnologia list goes on

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184Ай бұрын
  • Thank you a lot for this research! My personal favourites are Molotov Cocktail from Voronezh:

    @suppurate@suppurateАй бұрын
  • If it is group of Soviet period why are there 7B and Moomin Troll?

    @user-qi5en2ee1n@user-qi5en2ee1n24 күн бұрын
    • It's a different 7B and Mumiy Troll started all the way back in the 80s (watch my Rokapops video for that).

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet118424 күн бұрын
  • What is your opinion of Soviet post-punk?

    @user-uc1lj6go6o@user-uc1lj6go6oАй бұрын
    • I like it

      @melodybuffet1184@melodybuffet1184Ай бұрын
  • Карт-бланш - Поролоновый мозг (1989) Carte Blanche - Foam Brain (1989)

    @DmitrySumarokov@DmitrySumarokovАй бұрын
  • не важно как и не понятно зачем, но так хотелось быть похожими на что-то недостижимо и неописуемо крутое. )) Инфантилизм в полный рост... и глубочайшая вторичность в каждом аспекте.

    @AlexndrRomanov@AlexndrRomanovАй бұрын