堪忍地 Mono

2023 ж. 28 Қар.
480 Рет қаралды

贪欲恚痴 寒热饥渴 蚊虻蚤虱 暴风恶触
种种疾疫 挝打楚挞 身心苦恼 一切能忍
劫浊 见浊 烦恼浊 众生浊 命浊
不贪此世想 不畏他世想 涅槃寂灭想
合成器 /录音采样 /网络音频采样 /四孔笛/ Khene /Cellobass /尺八 /中阮 /Bass /长笛 /Bansuri /萨满鼓 /kong nyee:赵元
黑胶采样 /搓盘 /Drum Loops:Mr Malegebide
黑胶采样/ 5ths Tuned Fretless Bass : Shigeta Shinsuke
塑料单簧管 /拉管哨笛/ 富鲁格号:陈伟伦
黑胶采样:《Samuel-Nori/Drums And Voices of Korea》
《Charlie Byrd-As Praias Desertas》
《Unit Précieuse Au Sérail-Solo de Yayla-Tanbur》
《The Mahavishnu Orchestra-Vital Transformation》
《観世流謡曲 天鼓·全曲》
《明治天皇御生誕百三十年祭記念 組曲 冬 磯波》
采样:南京天界寺 大供天法会
南京 街头核酸检测广播
南京 小区广播每一个人必须参加全员核酸检测
摩洛哥街头 清真寺礼拜
南京 伏牛山矿坑 四孔笛
南京 大塘金 中阮
《忿怒Ⅱ 忿怒莲师 01-忿怒莲师法乐供赞之一(法乐)》
《韩僧梵呗 梵钟》
《忿怒 cd1 03-念诵》

  • 湖北 武漢 2020年初母親武漢肺炎去世追靈車哭泣的女兒 湖北 武漢 2020 2月李文亮醫生去世的第二天方斌發佈的視頻 湖北 武漢 2020年3-5月期間張展的街頭採訪 陝西 西安 爛尾樓住戶採訪 江蘇 蘇州 女孩穿和服浴衣拍照被員警野蠻訊問帶走 四川 成都 被封控的居民喊樓抗議 江蘇 徐州豐縣 八孩鐵鍊母親採訪 河南 鄭州 2021 720水災 新疆 烏魯木齊 2022 1124火災 上海 被白衛兵入戶消殺的市民哭訴 上海 封控期間孩子淩晨發燒母親挨家敲門求退燒藥 上海 老人哮喘被拒絕搶救死亡 河北 唐山 燒烤店打人事件 上海 封控期間公交停運癌症病人步行求醫 河南 村鎮銀行儲戶維權被驅散和毆打 上海 面對員警威脅上海市民說出這是我們最後一代 新疆 打工人因封控無法回家決定步行穿越戈壁走回四川 海南 三亞 突然封控遊客住不起酒店露宿街頭 河南 鄭州 富士康工廠爆發抗議工人逃離 內蒙 呼和浩特 母親跳樓的女孩要求把門打開的哭喊 甘肅 蘭州 被強制拉去放艙的女生對防疫人員的質問 河南 開封杞縣 實名舉報的女孩被警方釋放後精神失常 北京 四通橋勇士彭立發 某地白衛兵強行入戶帶人隔離 重慶 “超人哥“怒斥封控清零 北京 天通苑社區幹部私下商量對付居民 江蘇 南京 南京傳媒學院白紙運動中校長威脅學生以後將為今天行為付出代價 上海 烏魯木齊中路白紙運動 廣東 廣州 開車撞人撒錢事件 北京 封控放開後重症患者女兒講述床位不夠醫療擠兌 上海 封控放開後醫院發生醫療擠兌醫生的採訪 遼寧 瀋陽 屍體太多無處安置只能徵用方艙停屍 重慶 抗原試劑生產廠因欠薪裁員引發工人抗議活動 北京 參加白紙運動青年被消失前錄製的自述視頻 江西 鉛山縣 胡鑫宇事件新聞發佈會 浙江 杭州 因染粉紅色頭髮被網暴去世的女孩抑鬱症期間的採訪錄音 湖北 武漢 老年人圍堵市政府抗議醫保改革 遼寧 大連 市民上街抗議醫保改革 四川 成都 視頻博主在街頭隨機跟拍老人並幫一月只有107元養老金的老人在超市購物事後被炸號 廣東 深圳 到處招工攔都是空的求職者訴說找不到工作 河南 鄭州 打工者找工作沒找到反而被指定在某醫院自費體檢了五次 廣東 深圳 業主山窮水盡準備房子斷供 廣東 深圳 求職者找不到工作在寶安橋下直播下跪求給打點錢 廣東 深圳 流落街頭的打工人靠撿瓶子和撿吃剩的外賣為生 河北 石家莊 國企半年不發工資員工偷偷出去做日結工維持生計 浙江 溫州 工廠老闆說訂單都跑到東南亞了連以前的百分之五十都不到 廣東 深圳 流落街頭的打工人捕食竹鼠和流浪貓充饑 河北 邯鄲 開車加速故意撞人扔雷管事件 遼寧 瀋陽 一對夫妻創業開店第二天被推平沒任何說法 天津 街頭採訪受訪者說出最大的父愛就是不讓孩子來到這個骯髒的世界 北京 國務院辦公室關於新冠溯源研究狀況新聞發佈會 湖南 張家界 天門山四人跳崖自殺 河北 邢臺 李莊律師用牙刷和膠帶展示刑訊逼供的方法 重慶 街頭隨機砍人事件 天津 學生連續自殺全市緊急召開家長會事件 北京 天安門廣場紅牆上出現習近平必須下臺塗鴉 山東 臨沂 維權律師許志永丁家喜被重判 某地農管自拍視頻稱“王權特許先斬後奏” 北京 長峰醫院火災死亡29人未上熱搜逃生視頻還被被微博刪除” 廣東 汕尾 美團外賣騎手大罷工 河南 駐馬店 小學生掌摑毛澤東銅像被當地警方“緊急出動當天抓獲” 雲南 “農民院士”朱有勇稱“水稻上山畝產量七百多公斤人均超一千公斤受農戶喜歡飯碗牢牢端在百姓手中” 四川 都江堰 紀念汶川地震中去世15周年的孩子們的家長被當地公職人員禁止進入“豆腐渣工程”聚源中學園區只能在幾百米外的河邊祭奠 福建 南平 農管強拆豬場被養殖戶用霰彈槍擊傷多人 北京 笑果文化脫口秀演出中段子被舉報侮辱解放軍導致公司被處罰演員被立案調查之後各地開始整頓演出行業 “程式設計隨想”阮曉寰妻子的採訪 武漢 小學生在校內被老師開車碾壓死亡後死者母親遭遇員警脅迫和網暴墜樓離世 北京 六四前夕鳥巢體育館女子揮舞美國國旗抛灑獨立宣言傳單 北京 709維權律師王全璋李和平遭遇堵門騷擾斷水斷電斷燃氣強拆趕出家門無法租房借住被員警非法上門騷擾檢查直至無家可歸 北京 北京大學食堂門口舉牌抗議“罷黜一党集權擁抱多黨制度 吉林 白城村 村民因建浮橋全家被以尋釁滋事罪入刑” 黑龍江 齊齊哈爾 34中體育館垮塌事故後政府漠視學生和家長全力維穩 北京 門頭溝房山暴雨水災為保雄安洩洪河北涿州天津等地導致多村莊被淹 日本開始排放核處理水後中國禁止日本海鮮進口媒體開始挑動反日情緒反而導致中國漁民海產品賣不出去各網店漁民直播間眾多主播被罵哭 河南 南陽迷笛音樂節結束後營地被當地人哄搶幾天後迷笛學校發帶粗話的聲明稱盜竊發生是因為村民被不實言論欺騙發聲援和譴責調侃事件的言論的線民是地域黑的傻逼並稱針對個別組織機構通過網路故意放大抹黑南陽和迷笛的行為組委會將保留追究其法律責任的權利 湖南 永州 女兒被強姦並被強迫賣淫的上訪媽媽唐慧繼勞教後又被起訴尋釁滋事罪被判四年 電影《辛德勒的名單》在中國b站被差評圍攻評分降到4分左右 四川崇州的烈性犬咬人事件後全國開始運動式打狗和屠殺流浪狗 前總理李克強猝死引發輿情各種陰謀論流傳中國多地民眾組織自發悼念活動褒李貶習 廣東 廣州中山大學二院學生集體患癌事件網路上發酵學校拆除實驗室 CCTV夫子自道自取其辱的醜態混剪 河南 鄭州 一對小夫妻買了爛尾樓後維權被打發在社交媒體上的維權視頻也陸續被刪除 江蘇 常州 企業家被紀委約談後留下遺書否認指控跳樓自殺 2023年底 全國各地爆發兒童支原體肺炎各地兒科醫院爆滿

    @kill666love@kill666love5 ай бұрын
  • Hebei Handan - An antisocial criminal driving in acceleration into pedestrians while throwing explosives Liaoning Shenyang - A couple’s shop was brutally flattened one day after opening, with no explanation Tianjin - During a street interview, an interviewee says that the greatest love of a father is to not bring new life to this hopeless world Beijing - General Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China’s press conference regarding the progress of searching for the origin of COVID 19 Hunan Zhangjiajie - 4 people ended their own lives jumping off the cliff of Tianmen Mountain Hebei Xingtai - Lawyer named Li Zhuang presenting a method of torture and interrogation with a toothbrush and tape Chongqing - An anti-social criminal slashing random citizens on the street Tianjin - Multiple student sequently committing suicide, causing the government to host emergency parent-teacher conferences Beijing - Tiananmen Square’s red wall being inked with “XXX must resign” Shandong Linyi - Right protection lawyers Xu Zhiyong and Ding Jiaxi receiving heavy sentences Video recording of an Agricultural business manager claiming that he has the government’s (the King, if quoted directly) special permission to act first and ask for permission later Beijing - Changfeng Hospital fire claimed at least 29 lives. While there is no trace of this sad news on mainstream media ‘s most search list, survivors’ videos regarding the tragedy were erased by Sina Weibo. Guangdong Shanwei - Meituan Waimai food delivery riders' big strike Henan Zhumadian - A primary school student repeatedly slapping a bronze sculpture of Mao Zedong was counted by the local police as an “emergency” and the primary school student was arrested on the immediate day. Yunnan - Farmer and academician Zhu Youyong claims that “Rice crops planted in the mountains produce over 700 kg/mu (1 mu = 1/6 acre), averaging over 1000kg/person, all the local farmers love it and the food resource is well secured by the people.” Sichuan Dujiangyan - Mourning parents of their children who fell victim to the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, 15 years ago were urged to conduct the mourning ritual at the river bank several hundred metres away from the Jerry built school where their children died. Fujian Nanping - Agricultural Enforcement staff's brutal operation on the removal of a pig farm resulted in the farm owner's retaliation with shot gun, multiple people injured Beijing - A talk show segment of Shanghai Xiaoguo Culture Media Co. was reported for having disrespectful jokes on CCP’s People’s Liberation Army. The company was fined 14.7 million RMB, the comedian’s involved were investigated as part of the case. Following this, other provinces start to ‘reform’ the media industry. Interview of Ruan Xiaohuan's wife. Ran Xiaohuan's blog “编程随想” (ProgramThink) shares methods of using VPN and encourages every Chinese to have critical thinking against CCP media control and propaganda. The following quote is sourced from Wikipedia: He was captured on 10 May 2021, and then formally arrested on 17 June 2021, for ‘inciting subversion of state power’ Wuhan - A mother jumped off a building, killing herself due to cyber bullying and police threat after her primary school attending child being run over and killed by a school teacher in a car at school Beijing - The night before 4th June 2023, a lady waving the flag of the US and throwing about brochures of the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen United States of America at the National Stadium Beijing - 709 Weiquan lawyers (rights protection lawyers) Wang Quanzhang and Li Heping fell victim to police violence. The CCP Police waited at their doors and later stopped water, electricity and gas supply to their households. Later their property was brutally demolished and renting options for them were also cut off, they ended up homeless. Beijing - A protest in front of the canteen of Peking University included a sign that says “Get rid of single party dictatorship to embrace a multiparty system” Jilin Baicheng Village - Villager Huang Deyi and his family built a floating bridge over Yaoer River. He and his whole family were arrested and later convicted under the crime of “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”. The bridge was also demolished by the local Water Conservancy Bureau Heilongjiang, Qiqihar, 2023 - After the roof collapse incident of Qiqihar 34 Middle School Gymnasium, which claimed at least 10 lives, authorities ignored the mourning and demands of students and parents to make sure that “everything is in order”. Beijing, Mentougou Fangshan, July 2023 - Life claiming stormwater related flooding disaster leaves the majority of the area in ruins. In order to protect the Xiong’an New Area (Xi’s project) from the previous stormwater flood disaster in Mentougou Fangshan, Beijing, floodgates were opened, causing numerous villages in Zhuozhou Heibei Tianjin completely submerged and destroyed. While the locals at Zhuo Zhou attempted to strengthen the local dams, CCP enforcers expelled the locals and destroyed the local dams so that the villages could be drowned instead of Xiong’an. China, 2023 - China bans imports of Japanese seafood after Japan released treated nuclear water. Simultaneously, Chinese media starts propagandas against Japan, ironically resulting in Chinese seafood businesses having a major sales decline. Seafood business owners and fishermen in China who own online streaming channels also receive rude criticisms and fall victim to cyber bullying. Henan Nanyang, 2023 - By the end of the 2023 Nanyang MIDI Festival, numerous campsite of event goers fell victim to burglary and stealing committed by the local villagers. The event's official organization MIDI School made a public statement which includes rude remarks and foul language stating the criminal actions of the villagers are a result of them being mislead by false information, backing up the criminals. The same statement also contains information blaming the internet for "regional discrimination", calling some of the complaining victims and internet users "dumb cunts", stating that Nanyang and MIDI School will take legal action against certain organizations and groups for deformation. Hunan Yongzhou - Tang Hui, a mother whose daughter was raped and forced into prostitution, tried to appeal to higher authority for attention to criminal actions towards her daughter. Tang Hui then was forced into serving "reeducation through labour", after that she was sued for picking quarrels and provoking trouble, to be imprisoned for 4 years. The movie Schindler's List has its ratings on Bilibili (a popular Chinese streaming and video site) dragged down to approximately 4 out of 10 due to recent deliberate low user rating and critiques. A nationwide dog hunt focusing on large dogs and a slaughter of stray dogs have recently been pushed by CCP after a dog biting incident in Chongzhou Sichuan 2023 - Chinese former Prime Minister Keqiang Li’s sudden passing brewed conspiracy theories spread by mass media. Numerous self organised mourning events by the people took place all over China, while mourning Li’s passing, hinting their extreme dissatisfaction of Xi. Guangdong Sun Yat-Sen University 2nd Campus, 2023 - A small group of students on campus happened to be diagnosed of cancer in a short span of time. Such news spread fast over the internet. In response to the widespread news and rumours that followed, the university demolished its lab out of the blue. CCTV (China Central Television) Channel's news videos being heavily cut and rearranged to be non-factual and misleading, followed by harsh and critical comments made by the broadcasting news tellers accusing foreign countries and governments, rise to a status of sensational irony and dark political humour, exposing China itself. Henan Zhengzhou, 2023 - A couple living an ordinary life unfortunately purchased a property which ended up as an unfinished project. Their protest and "Weiquan" movement (legal activity) ended up with them being victims of physical violence, their videos online was also deleted against their will. Jiangsu Changzhou, 2023 - Entreprenuer Cheng Yong committed suicide after being interviewed by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. In his suicide note he claims that all charges on him are false and he was threatened to state the charges were true during the private interview. China, end of year 2023 ongoing, mycoplasma pneumoniae spreads wild through northern China, causing numerous city's children's hospitals being fully occupied.

    @kill666love@kill666love4 ай бұрын