Tomb Raider 2018 VFX BREAKDOWN

2023 ж. 5 Қыр.
13 803 Рет қаралды

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CG Arrows, detailed set extensions, and pyro effects. Digital environments and complex water simulations.
Tomb Raiders VFX managed to walk the fine line between creating impressive visual effects and having them go completely unnoticed.
Scanline, Rising Sun Pictures, Method Studios, Soho VFX, Mr. X, Factory VFX, and Zero VFX all had a hand in creating well over 1000 vfx shots for the movie, the diversity of which, was really quite surprising.
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Almost every shot had some element that required extending, augmenting, adjusting, or building entirely from scratch.
But in addition to making it possible for the filmmakers to achieve shots that without them would have been totally impossible, Visual effects also enabled them to film in locations that wouldn't have been possible either.
Hong Kong and the uncharted Japanese island were actually shot in South Africa.
The plane and waterfall sequence was filmed at Lee Valley White Water Centre in London and combined with footage shot in South Africa.
And the Croft boardroom was shot on a sound stage in cape town, In fact, the entire movie was either shot in South Africa or England.
Unfortunately, Tomb Raider wasn't a particularly good movie,
It didn't do well at the box office.
Critics called it bland and unimaginative.
And its plot was extremely similar to Indiana Jones, (so much so that they probably should have called it Tomb Raiders Of The Lost Ark).
But Tomb Raider's visual effects were another story,
they looked completely real and managed to remain true to the video game whilst avoiding looking like it, and this makes them worthy of a lot more merit than they actually got, (especially considering it was released the same year as the blockbuster Black Panther), whose visual effects (Ironically enough) did the exact opposite.
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  • please! Could you make a video like this with NASA footage? the Brazilian thanks you.

    @elobeatbox@elobeatbox7 ай бұрын
  • NICE WORK!!!

    @user.cs.@user.cs.7 ай бұрын
    • kzhead.infob54IcveWweI?si=Mviph6yjkwzd34mb

      @RAMSIYA825@RAMSIYA8257 ай бұрын
  • Brilliant. Thank you. 4th to Comment!!

    @Australia__@Australia__7 ай бұрын
  • I'm always wondering how you can detect VFX effects for real. Unfortunately, my applications do not have a a VFX Eraser function :(. So if you could give some hints how a normal person can detect VFX effects I'd love it so much!

    @falknfurter@falknfurter7 ай бұрын
    • Extra's on a dvd could be a source, adding to the content of the source could be a way to remove it later. Mostly just knowledge of facts i guess. ✌️

      @You_Eat@You_Eat7 ай бұрын
    • kzhead.infob54IcveWweI?si=Mviph6yjkwzd34mb

      @RAMSIYA825@RAMSIYA8257 ай бұрын
  • Now I want to watch it just for the effects.

    @wildman2012@wildman20127 ай бұрын
    • kzhead.infob54IcveWweI?si=Mviph6yjkwzd34mb

      @RAMSIYA825@RAMSIYA8257 ай бұрын
  • This movie flopped because of actress she can't beat Angelina Jolie VFX and CGI is brilliantly done 👏👏👏

    @wasimahmadb276@wasimahmadb2767 ай бұрын
  • Tomb raider 50 years later

    @G1Grimlock94@G1Grimlock947 ай бұрын
  • TR 👍 LC🔥

    @ElektroraideR@ElektroraideR7 ай бұрын
  • 3rd viewer 🤍big love bruh

    @RHD_FF@RHD_FF7 ай бұрын
  • 0:55 honestly why the hell would you need to do a CG forest... just go to a forest... what a waste of budget

    @fabersoul@fabersoul7 ай бұрын
    • Probably cheaper on the budget to get the perfect jungle and lighting using CG than it is to fly someone around looking for the perfect jungle, then shipping in all of the lighting equipment and waiting for the perfect time of day etc. Plus paying country taxes and travel expenses and travel time for crew.

      @hiley37@hiley377 ай бұрын
  • Me: **thinking back to when the original Tomb Raider movie w/ Angelina Jolie was released** Also me: 🤢🤮

    @ItsJustRyansChannel@ItsJustRyansChannel7 ай бұрын
    • kzhead.infob54IcveWweI?si=Mviph6yjkwzd34mb

      @RAMSIYA825@RAMSIYA8257 ай бұрын
  • Am I the only one that thinks if they do this in the movies and it’s unnoticeable, there’s a good chance they’ve done this on the news b4 to push there agendas

    @esotericsurveillance@esotericsurveillance7 ай бұрын
    • True 💀

      @edringweeko3419@edringweeko34197 ай бұрын
    • kzhead.infob54IcveWweI?si=Mviph6yjkwzd34mb

      @RAMSIYA825@RAMSIYA8257 ай бұрын
  • 7th

    @arnosti1615@arnosti16157 ай бұрын
  • A CG arrow? WTF? Good thing I only watched this breakdown and not actual movie. Must be godawful. Some of the scenes are only good for VFX breakdown, but as part of actual movie, hell no.

    @KrunoslavStifter@KrunoslavStifter7 ай бұрын
    • Real arrows can potentially get them in legal trouble

      @Filtaido@Filtaido7 ай бұрын
    • Are you suggesting they either cut away to a shot with the prop arrow already in the actor, or that they shoot them with real arrows? Because the first one is a boring cop-out we've seen a million times, and the second is murder. It's refreshing to see the mooks actually getting shot with arrows in the same shot.

      @fireaza@fireaza7 ай бұрын
    • @@fireaza There was a shot where you only see the actress shooting an arrow or rather using a bow and they add the CG arrow. That made no sense. They could have used prop arrow and she could have shot off camera and than they could cut away into shot with CG arrow when it hits the guy. That part made zero sense to me. Why would they make CG arrow of her using just bow. That's why movies cost way more than they should. Dumb planing, dumb fix it in post ideas. And it still looks worse than most action movies from the 80's. Because there was no CG and no dumb ideas, you either did it or you didn't do it, and the tricks they used was all in camera and clever editing. Never missed anything. Its the new movies that are made by people who don't know how to make movies anymore.

      @KrunoslavStifter@KrunoslavStifter7 ай бұрын
  • Ohio

    @legimir4616@legimir46167 ай бұрын
  • 1sttttttt

    @lordmarling@lordmarling7 ай бұрын
  • what kind of music is playing?

    @zvz7277@zvz72777 ай бұрын
  • Mediocre movie

    @chasehedges6775@chasehedges67757 ай бұрын