
2024 ж. 12 Мам.
25 704 Рет қаралды

they just drop the trailer of 90s movie remake i hype to see it looks like its gonna be good

  • I love your moive keep it up with it

    @ScarletRose-bb3mi@ScarletRose-bb3mi7 ай бұрын
  • Oh man this was one of our favorite movies when we were kids. My little brother watched it over and over. I am excited to see this!

    @mavibarrena3751@mavibarrena37513 жыл бұрын
    • I just saw the old one the other day love love it growing up as well so far I am not mad at the changes but we well see

      @RMB45@RMB453 жыл бұрын