When a Tailgunner and Sabotage Saved a B-17

2023 ж. 3 Нау.
2 518 356 Рет қаралды

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It’s July 30th 1943 in the skies over Germany and a B-17 named Tondelayo is under attack. In the back is tailgunner Michael L Arooth. Mike as he is known to the crew is ready as the German Me 109s and FW190s come in.. Sometimes 4 at a time. Mike fires away at the mass of German fighters as do the rest of the formation as today there are 186 Flying fortresses and 123 P-47 Thunderbolts in a raid upon German factories.
Getting hit by heavy fire, many of the crew bail. Mike fought on battling the Germans and lack of oxygen. In the end though the plane would have been brought down if it weren’t for the actions of an unknown munitions worker who was forced to work for the Germans.
Yarnhub uses the Unreal® Engine. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998 - 2022, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.

  • "This is all we can do for you now" I'm not crying, you're crying 😭

    @Eyes0penNoFear@Eyes0penNoFear Жыл бұрын
    • 🥺🥺😞

      @kingping3933@kingping3933 Жыл бұрын
    • I’ve heard of people getting “chills” when hearing stuff and never really knew what it meant. I sure do now

      @buca8213@buca8213 Жыл бұрын
    • Hold me

      @wa1ksoft1y@wa1ksoft1y Жыл бұрын
    • We all are.

      @Jakub1989YTb@Jakub1989YTb Жыл бұрын
    • even though my Czech nation could not fight, it could still oppose and sabotage the Germans . Sláva Československu!

      @lukaskolembus6935@lukaskolembus6935 Жыл бұрын
  • i can't believe that you guys went from simple 2D animation to a cod vanguard cutscene, just beautiful

    @davidoiu562@davidoiu562 Жыл бұрын
    • If it was cod vanguard it probably would have me-262s flying out of the clouds in 1943 lol. That game's campaign is atrocious.

      @asordidlobster5167@asordidlobster5167 Жыл бұрын
    • ​@@asordidlobster5167 the game in general is atrocious

      @silverbullet3699@silverbullet3699 Жыл бұрын
    • Ok

      @simonsterritt@simonsterritt Жыл бұрын
    • @@asordidlobster5167 i was talking about the graphics, they are beautiful but yeah the historical accuracy is just

      @davidoiu562@davidoiu562 Жыл бұрын
    • @@asordidlobster5167 it would also have cheap Marvel gags

      @Luke_Sandy_High_Ground@Luke_Sandy_High_Ground Жыл бұрын
  • That poor person surely had only one chance to put one message into one round. That one round may have missed and ended in a ground, lost somewhere in Europe. It's a miracle that the mechanics found it. Makes this story that more magical.

    @Jakub1989YTb@Jakub1989YTb Жыл бұрын
    • Obviously we don't know the conditions this one was working in, but from other similar cases of Germans using slave labor, it was relatively easy to slip a bunch of bad components past their not so vigilant inspections. In Poland when it fell the small arms factory in radom was supplying components and whole weapons to the resistance. What I am getting at is that if he/she wrote a bunch of messages at home and then slipped them into the factory, they could have been put in every single dud shell quite easily. Especially if the explosive filler was solid, a little scroll could easily be mistaken for explosives.

      @derrichtigearzt8932@derrichtigearzt8932 Жыл бұрын
    • @@derrichtigearzt8932could’ve been produced in Oskar Schindlers factory. It’s known that he didn’t want for any of the products to be useful for the Germans.

      @reaganmasuda@reaganmasuda Жыл бұрын
    • It might have been other German labour camps but Schindlers' factory was actually unlikely to be the culprit according to accounts on how Oskar Schindler ran his camp. He aimed to avoid any troubles or eyes from his SS superiors, so most of his inmate's "products" were actually bribed or bought from legit factories using Schindler's own wealth and connections. Even a slight suspicious from the German Army would doom his entire camp inmates, where in the eyes of Schindler every single inmate was a human being, each with their dreams and hopes, rather "just a number". Still in a way his factory did "sabotage" the German industries by not actually adding anything to the war effort. And all in all, despite how post-war claims on the sabotage efforts by the enslaved populations by the Germans, it was actually very difficult to perform actual sabotage on German equipment and ammunitions. Mainly due to the quite short life expectancy for the inmates, especially near the end of war, so hardly any time to understand to production process to successfully sabotage undetected. In addition, those inmates tend to be unskilled workers with hardly any manufacturing experience since those that did were drafted into factories early on and usually worked to death already. As such even those brave enough to sabotage ends up being amateur and spotted and usually lead to the execution of him and other inmates in the group. Most of the reliability issue of German late war equipment actually stems from the German's own overengineered design being too demanding for the subpar quality replacement material that Germans decided to use as resources dwindled, rather than many pro-German WW2 fans claiming how the German tank and guns design were "the best" and only let down by "sabotage of lesser races".

      @sthrich635@sthrich635 Жыл бұрын
    • ​@@reaganmasudawas he known to have slave labor factories in Czech regions?

      @colejosephalexanderkashay683@colejosephalexanderkashay6839 ай бұрын
    • If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus Is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. -Romans 10:9

      @dizo-jp2td@dizo-jp2td8 ай бұрын
  • That message hit harder than the shell ever could. That person did that without knowing it actually helped.

    @unbeatablesniper16@unbeatablesniper16 Жыл бұрын
    • После заключения соглашений в Осло (1993) возникла Палестинская автономия (Газа тогда была ее частью), и израильтяне начали поэтапный уход с оккупированных территорий. Это повлекло не только самостоятельность, но и разрыв части хозяйственных связей. Поэтому за первые три года частичной независимости ВВП сектора Газа упал на треть. Потом связи стали восстанавливаться, и к концу 1990-х жизнь вроде бы наладилась. Но в 2000-м началась интифада Аль-Акса (общепалестинская война арабов против евреев), и хозяйственные выгоды отошли на задний план. В 2005-м, чувствуя, что ситуация зашла в тупик, Израиль осуществляет так называемое одностороннее размежевание - эвакуирует из сектора еврейских поселенцев и выводит войска. После чего в Газе происходит политическая мутация. В 2006-м на последних свободных выборах там побеждает ХАМАС. А в 2007-м Газа под его руководством отделяется от остальной Палестинской автономии, в которой власть удержал менее радикальный, чем она, ФАТХ. Все функционеры ФАТХа, кого хамасовцы не успели убить, бежали через Израиль к родным палестинам, а Газа превратилась в де-факто отдельное государство, всепоглощающей идеологией которого стала борьба с Израилем на уничтожение. ХАМАС действовал совсем иначе. Он сразу объявил всех евреев врагами, войну против них назвал священным джихадом, а всю политическую программу свел к очень простой и понятной всем формуле - уничтожение Израиля и израильтян. Нападения на Израиль, ракетные и наземные, происходили теперь регулярно, но это уживалось с сохранением некоторых хозяйственных связей. Накануне нынешней войны Израиль бесплатно поставлял в сектор 70-80% потребляемой там электроэнергии и снабжал Газу нормальной питьевой водой - качество местной очень низкое. Из Израиля туда поступали также еда, медикаменты и топливо для местных предприятий. Во-первых, Израиль не мог перекрыть границу Газы с Египтом, и именно через нее в Газу неформальным порядком проникало довольно много всего. Поэтому ракеты там все равно производились, и в огромных количествах, а бункеры по-прежнему сооружались, нравилось это Израилю или нет. Спору нет, сначала интифада, а потом приход к власти ХАМАС резко ухудшили жизнь в Газе. По мнению Международной организации труда, к 2020-му подушевой ВВП там был на 40% ниже, чем в 2005-м. Но дело даже не в таких подсчетах, которые применительно к Газе достаточно умозрительны. Движение Газы к сегодняшней катастрофе было довольно последовательным. Другим системообразующим фактором стала деятельность UNRWA, Агентства ООН для помощи палестинским беженцам. Его финансируют в основном страны Запада, а многочисленных работников (это тысячи учителей, врачей и других служащих) оно набирает на месте. Именно в активе UNRWA очевидные успехи образования и медицины в Газе. Но попутно оно избавило ХАМАС от многочисленных невоенных забот, по существу сделавшись его гражданским подразделением. Никакого контроля со стороны западных спонсоров над ним нет. Обучение в школах подчинено идеологии ХАМАС и осуществляется в атмосфере исступленных идеологических накачек. Третий важнейший фактор - демографический взрыв. Население Газы за последние 70 лет выросло в восемь раз и достигло 2,1 млн. Сейчас рождаемость идет на убыль, но новый народ уже возник. Совместима ли нынешняя его численность с крошечной территорией (360 кв. км) - вопрос к специалистам, которые, по-моему, не знают ответа. Четвертый фактор - внешнее финансирование военной машины ХАМАС. В первую очередь, иранское. Но средства, поступающие из Катара и других стран, не прямо, так косвенно, идут на те же цели. Поэтому у режима ХАМАС есть редкое преимущество. Он не нуждается в домашней экономике, которая бы его содержала. Его гражданские потребности оплачивает ООН (а до недавнего времени также Израиль), а военные - боевые товарищи извне. Из этого вытекает пятый фактор - любая хозяйственная деятельность в секторе Газа, не завязанная на агрессию, в глазах режима выглядит чем-то вроде необязательного приложения. Больше половины рабочей силы - безработные, получающие от ООН и других спонсоров убогое, но достаточное для пропитания пособие. А те, кто где-то занят (их 250-300 тыс.), либо служат в частях ХАМАС и других боевых организаций (только их суммарно около 50 тыс.), либо трудятся в военном строительстве и кустарной военной промышленности, либо обеспечивают хамасовскую машину необходимыми ей услугами. Тех, кто вне этой системы, просто меньше. Кто-то из них бежит из Газы (примерно по 10 тыс. в год), кто-то пытается выбраться в Израиль, кто-то барахтается в остатках местной экономики. Важно, что режим без них всех легко может обойтись. Три предварительных вывода 1. У режима ХАМАС нет не только идейных, но и материальных мотивов для какого-либо мирного перерождения. Он вполне гармоничен, опирается на семидесятилетнюю местную традицию и может быть либо уничтожен, либо сохранен таким, как есть. Перевоспитать его, комбинируя давление и уступки, невозможно. 2. Сектор Газа как целое и его жители порознь не имеют никакого опыта мирного существования за собственный счет. Имеющиеся у большинства из них навыки нацелены на отправление идеологических и боевых практик, а не на труд обычного типа. Предоставить их самим себе в надежде, что они как-то справятся, нереалистично.

      @user-fb1dr1pv7e@user-fb1dr1pv7e5 ай бұрын
    • Great comment!

      @cardeja12@cardeja1223 күн бұрын
  • “This is all we can do for you now…”🇨🇿❤️ Man that round hit me hard.😭

    @CKC_Productions@CKC_Productions Жыл бұрын
    • I see what you did there

      @bohemiacountry2917@bohemiacountry2917 Жыл бұрын
    • As a czech that hit hard too 🇨🇿❤️

      @bohemiacountry2917@bohemiacountry2917 Жыл бұрын
    • ​@@bohemiacountry2917 for me too

      @livelongapple2936@livelongapple2936 Жыл бұрын
    • "to je vše, co pro vás nyní musíme udělat" Thank you Yarnhub for this story. i am gonna share your videos to my friends. Love from czechia 🇨🇿 ❤

      @danielwer55@danielwer55 Жыл бұрын
    • @Roniixx yea that was weird watching for me seeing my people to be shot. For me that kinda ruin the start of the movie

      @bohemiacountry2917@bohemiacountry2917 Жыл бұрын
  • I remember my dad telling a story about someone who sabotaged the shells and saved a B-17. I can’t believe that story would be featured in this video. God, Yarnhub really do an amazing job with this content.

    @Historybuffm8@Historybuffm8 Жыл бұрын
    • ill leave a like for youre luck

      @itsalmostfun8567@itsalmostfun8567 Жыл бұрын
    • lol did u notice 8:48 theres suddenly a gun not bent even tough it was

      @Playlost@Playlost Жыл бұрын
    • @@Playlost k

      @nzfoy3568@nzfoy3568 Жыл бұрын
    • ​@@Playlost maybe from a different bomber?

      @ju-yuanchueh8444@ju-yuanchueh8444 Жыл бұрын
    • ​@@Playlostyes

      @JanKonecny8@JanKonecny8 Жыл бұрын
  • Imagine being that Czech, your face and name most likely forgotten to the world, but that single action of sabotage lands them a place in the history books. Your story is short, and yet still honored nonetheless.

    @slayitwithfire5698@slayitwithfire5698 Жыл бұрын
    • At the tomb of the unknown soldier in Moscow there lies an inscription. Translated it reads the following: “Your name is unknown. Your deed is immortal.” It fits perfectly here as well.

      @tinycockjock1967@tinycockjock1967 Жыл бұрын
    • I´m Czech, and except for the current policy, I´m proud of my family, my grand mom served at 311. Coastal Squadron RAF as WAAF and my grandpap served in North Africa and Dunkirk 1944-45. Most of people forgot here as we lost, the state 360.000 people in 6 years, which can´t be measured with the next era in any way. Most of the loved of my grandparents were gassed.

      @pzdmc4d@pzdmc4d Жыл бұрын
    • Great bravery doesn't always happen on the battlefield, if he'd been caught the punishment would have been severe

      @hallamhal@hallamhal Жыл бұрын
    • Devine intervention,

      @morrispowell1524@morrispowell1524 Жыл бұрын
    • And depending on how many shells they sabotaged there's a good chance they ended up being caught and murdered for it.

      @ehjones@ehjones Жыл бұрын
  • Damn, this one hit me really hard. Young men risking everything to save the world. And another man or woman far away, risking everything to give them a chance. God bless you all for the work you do! I am constantly taken aback at your outstanding animation and storytelling. Thank you so much for doing what you all do!

    @codybailey855@codybailey855 Жыл бұрын
    • Very well said.

      @billyray8062@billyray8062 Жыл бұрын
    • they would be disappointed to know how this countries morals have collapsed, that people now bark like dogs and adults thinks it's OK to take thier children to drag queen shows, sad truly sad.

      @CarlosDelaoGunEngraver@CarlosDelaoGunEngraver Жыл бұрын
    • @@CarlosDelaoGunEngraver I counldn`t agree more.

      @billyray8062@billyray8062 Жыл бұрын
  • That one round may not have exploded the wing, but it sure did exploded many of our hearts. May these stories and their heroes never be forgotten.

    @Jakub1989YTb@Jakub1989YTb Жыл бұрын
    • You sir just said it all

      @paulgeorge7557@paulgeorge7557 Жыл бұрын
    • My heart has in fact exploded and I am using the last of my blood supply to write this comment.

      @arandomcommenter412@arandomcommenter412 Жыл бұрын
    • @@arandomcommenter412 Me too!

      @DoggosGames@DoggosGames Жыл бұрын
    • If a 20mm Shell explodes in your Heart chances are you are gonna have a bad day

      @lanfrancoadreani9212@lanfrancoadreani9212 Жыл бұрын
    • Cringe comments exploding here

      @jelly.212@jelly.212 Жыл бұрын
  • The impact of civilians during the war was always underrated, glad to see some recognition be given to those who couldn't fight on the battlefields, but fought nonetheless.

    @garlicdemon1@garlicdemon1 Жыл бұрын
    • So true

      @frankensteinsgarage9632@frankensteinsgarage9632 Жыл бұрын
    • The impact ON civilians was also significant. These bombs were not falling only on factories, but also on houses, with women and children inside.

      @JohnSmithEx@JohnSmithEx Жыл бұрын
    • @@JohnSmithEx Indeed so. As someone once said, in war it isn't so much a matter of who's wrong ir right, but who's left. Better never to start, but sadly, humanity never seems to learn.

      @JohnDavies-cn3ro@JohnDavies-cn3ro Жыл бұрын
    • @@JohnDavies-cn3ro and that's why the whole Nuclear Deterrent thing was made. Just love to know that at the flick of a wrist, a couple mispressed buttons, and a single sneeze we could all go up in nuclear fire.

      @airplanemaniacgaming7877@airplanemaniacgaming7877 Жыл бұрын
  • i am from Czech Republic and this feels extremly honorable for my country and the Czech heroes from WW2

    @CzechThunder@CzechThunder Жыл бұрын
    • In that case, do yourself a favor and read up on Sgt. Josef Frantisek. In case you haven't heard of him, he was a countryman of yours and in this Dane's view, one hell of a guy, I'd wish I could've bought him a beer! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Franti%C5%A1ek

      @mace8873@mace88734 ай бұрын
  • Greetings from Czech Republic! 🇨🇿 I heard stories from my great-grandfather Weapons/ammo manufacture was done in my country (as well as others) under/for the nazi regime. Stepping out of the line, dissobeing orders would get you, or your loved ones killed. Guns were tested during manufacture by Germans(or their supporters) and each worker could be back-tracked by serial number and punished if he made "a mistake" during manufacture. Therefore guns needed to be realible "just enough" for couple of shots, or magazines, before they jam, so they pass testing. Many people were caught, many innocent people died. "That was all we could do for you back then."

    @kosmaskepler6211@kosmaskepler6211 Жыл бұрын
    • We know now.......their sacrifice was not in vain.

      @stl3414@stl34142 ай бұрын
  • Seeing the animation in the Tesla video, to this, is just insane. The quality has jumped so significantly over the years, it’s hard to imagine it’s the same channel. The message from the Czech manufacturer has me almost in tears. The fact they took a shot in the dark, and added the message to a shell, and actually have it be READ is just.. it gives me goosebumps.

    @dong7474@dong7474 Жыл бұрын
    • Who gives af about quality. I watch the big lez show and it's waaay better than anything on Netflix 😅

      @ShadeRaven222@ShadeRaven222Ай бұрын
  • It's uncanny. You've never failed. Every single Yarnhub video I watch reduces me to tears. With the video almost over, I thought this was going to be the first exception. Then you got me at the end with the unexploded shells and then the note... Edit: I got to thinking- "This is all we can do for you now." I wonder if the person who wrote that note ever had any idea just how much they did do with that seemingly small and courageous act of resistance. Did they too, survive the war? Was their brave act discovered, resulting in their execution? Or did they live for many years after, wondering from time to time if anybody ever got their note?

    @monsieurcommissaire1628@monsieurcommissaire1628 Жыл бұрын
    • Those acts of sabotage were very common in the Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren (Czechia). In fact, it got so bad that the germans had to shift most of the manufacturing back to Germany.

      @jiriv.1641@jiriv.1641 Жыл бұрын
    • I'd like to think that the grandchild of whoever did this will watch this video and show them this.

      @Xer0280@Xer0280 Жыл бұрын
    • @@jiriv.1641 The Germans made the same mistake in France, and other occupied countries. It never seemingly occured to them that oppressed people might not take thweir servitude lying down......

      @JohnDavies-cn3ro@JohnDavies-cn3ro Жыл бұрын
  • Imagine the determination to protect your plane with a leg full of shrapnel and hypoxia setting in until you can barely think, and still fixing the jammed gun to continue fighting

    @andreinistor6162@andreinistor6162 Жыл бұрын
  • I remember similar story of sabotage that happened at Malta. During one raid a bomb hit a church full of people but it didn't explode. Instead a bit of sand fell out of it with a piece of paper with message in Czech: "Greetings from the workers of Škoda factory, Plzeň."

    @musketeer5023@musketeer5023 Жыл бұрын
  • I'm proud to be able to say I've been watching you guys since the shoemaker that beat the German tank ace. Love you guys. Keep up the good work. ❤️

    @ghost6649@ghost6649 Жыл бұрын
    • Proud as well. It was their first video I watched.

      @tinycockjock1967@tinycockjock1967 Жыл бұрын
    • Proud aswellll

      @panther6275@panther6275Ай бұрын
  • Respect to all Who were serving and are serving in the military. Respect to yarnhub for making animations like this and keeping the stories alive. ❤

    @mtbwithjure7809@mtbwithjure7809 Жыл бұрын
  • Most of Yarnhub videos had me so moved that I was nearly crying. This one sure did explode me into tears

    @rankovasek1987@rankovasek1987 Жыл бұрын
  • I hope that the brave person who made those bullets survived the war and lived a happy life and I salute them 🫡

    @thatcringyplaneguy@thatcringyplaneguy Жыл бұрын
  • You're KILLING it with these b-17 stories!!!

    @planeit743@planeit743 Жыл бұрын
  • God bless the unknow czech hero, he truly make something incredible, more like unbelievable, but with this kinda fantastic end

    @lolxdani9996@lolxdani9996 Жыл бұрын
  • Hey guys, great video! Just wanted to let you know that there was one small mistake around the 8:48 mark, there are two operational machine guns instead of 1, figured I'd let you know and it really is great seeing you come so far -Your Friend, Space

    @SpaceMaybe@SpaceMaybe Жыл бұрын
    • Nonsense. He was such a GOAT that he was able to unjam the broken 50 cal for a second /j

      @eyo8766@eyo8766 Жыл бұрын
    • I caught that too but even with that small error the video is phenomenal as usual.

      @garygenerous8982@garygenerous8982 Жыл бұрын
    • everyone does mistakes and if it tells the story it doesn't matter to it that they are people risking their life's fighting even when seriously injured

      @thomasstejskal4244@thomasstejskal4244 Жыл бұрын
    • @@thomasstejskal4244 yes yes, I'm just pointing it out, still is amazing work as usual

      @SpaceMaybe@SpaceMaybe Жыл бұрын
    • I was going to say the same, good eye!

      @TheGhastlyGuardian@TheGhastlyGuardian Жыл бұрын
  • What an incredible act of courage! An unknown hero risking their lives to save people they would never meet. I wish there were more stories like this. Amazing video as always!!

    @Nobody54545@Nobody54545 Жыл бұрын
  • Amazing story. It's so wonderful to see that you guys keep up the very important duty to educate people about history, in these days, as the last generation that lived in those times is coming to an end, people are forgetting the events that occurred in WW2. Thank you guys❤️

    @Daniel.E.S@Daniel.E.S Жыл бұрын
  • I am always afraid history of these brave men is forgotten, victims to the sands of time and the lack of reading willingness of modern generations. And because of that, your videos make me really happy for there's still someone that is willing to remember and not allow them to be forgotten. Thank you. As a small suggestion: would you do a story about the Mexican squadrons 101 and 201?

    @elementxxrider@elementxxrider Жыл бұрын
  • Being from Czech Republic this makes me extremly proud of the people that risked their lives during the war as part of the resistance or helping by means of sabotage like this…. Its great shame so little is actualy being taught about our own history in schools…. Stories like this and many others should be reminded so they are not forgotten….

    @17tomashavlin@17tomashavlin4 ай бұрын
  • Leaving a message in a sabotaged ammo is amazingly brave. Respect !

    @Dr.K.Wette_BE@Dr.K.Wette_BE Жыл бұрын
  • The Sabotage part just made my eyes a little moist..An Unsung Hero.

    @zaved2008@zaved2008 Жыл бұрын
  • Moments like this make me proud to be Czech.

    @Jakub1989YTb@Jakub1989YTb Жыл бұрын
    • Not just the German invasion…post war you country and your peoples survived the Russian rule…I remember studying this in history at school and growing up in the 1980s/1990s remember seeing news on TV especially to wards the end when you were fighting for freedom….if I remember rightly, it’s the Czechs that helped begin the process for other countries to fight for independence under Russian / communist rule (that and a a more moderate Russian leader in Gorbachev (sorry if I spelt his name wrong) who appeared more open to thawing the Cold War. I for one hope we never return to that period in time.

      @friktionrc@friktionrc Жыл бұрын
  • This really hit me. This is truly heroism. I hope they survived to see the end of the war, but somehow, I doubt it.

    @afmo500@afmo500 Жыл бұрын
    • did...did you watch the end? Unless your talking about the Saboteur. Then all lived.

      @RadicalKattastrophe@RadicalKattastrophe Жыл бұрын
    • ​@@RadicalKattastrophe I'm pretty sure he meant the saboteur. I wondered the same thing. This happened in '43, so the odds would be against the person.

      @williamromine5715@williamromine5715 Жыл бұрын
    • @@williamromine5715 Yep, talking about the saboteur here.

      @afmo500@afmo500 Жыл бұрын
  • I'm from the city where this sabotage most likely hapenned (like many other similar sabotages of bombs and ammo). Here in Pilsen, where the Škoda factory was the largest weapons manufacturing plant in Europe before ww2, we celebrate the bravery and liberation by the American army (we liberated the city mostly ourselves, but thanks to the germans being pushed to the front, keeping smaller garisson) every may. I invite you guys to visit, feel free to reach out. I'm guiding incoming international students through the city a few times every semester and if you'd like to see the plant where these sabotages hapenned, as well as the capital city of Beer, you're all from this great community very welcome!

    Жыл бұрын
  • May God bless that czech man or woman! I wish I could give a thousand thumbs UP!

    @touchofgrey5372@touchofgrey5372 Жыл бұрын
  • That’s my grandfathers brother. My grandfather was Peter Arooth. Thank you for making the video, it’s wonderful.

    @ryansepanek@ryansepanek10 ай бұрын
  • Great video, and thanks to all the men that were fighting for the country❤

    @frederik7411@frederik7411 Жыл бұрын
  • Please support the channel yarnhubstore.com for incredible merch ! And click the join button for exclusive perks, Thank you !

    @Yarnhub@Yarnhub Жыл бұрын
    • Hi

      @Clouds449@Clouds449 Жыл бұрын
    • Im first just 15 seconds

      @Ct-22742@Ct-22742 Жыл бұрын
    • Hello

      @arttutolonen4545@arttutolonen4545 Жыл бұрын
    • yarnhub u r a great animator

      @tbhcreature11@tbhcreature11 Жыл бұрын
    • Sup

      @Windsor_Intl_Airlines.@Windsor_Intl_Airlines. Жыл бұрын
  • That person who sabotaged those rounds may never know their actions saved lives, but that is what a true sacrifice looks like, willing to risk everything to save the lives of others. you will be remembered for your sacrifice.

    @adamsmith9032@adamsmith903211 ай бұрын
  • Greetings from the UK, I was looking at the trailer of " Mighty Eighth " and this came up in the recommendations. I've watched numerous documentaries and films about the Eighth Air Force and our own Bomber Command and I have to say this up there with the best of them for getting an insight into the courage and horrors of the air war. I am now pleased to say I'm a subscriber to your channel.

    @eddisonfoncette9103@eddisonfoncette9103 Жыл бұрын
    • Thanks and welcome!

      @Yarnhub@Yarnhub Жыл бұрын
  • When I saw that note (before it was said it's in Czech) I was like "Is that in Czech?", so I pause the video, read it. This is really heart touching (I'm happy to be Czech). Btw is there posibility you could do some video about Czech pilots?

    @HarveyAndToddTheWraith@HarveyAndToddTheWraith Жыл бұрын
    • Same here, I paused and went back just like you.

      @hebijirik@hebijirik Жыл бұрын
    • yeah like Karel Janoušek

      @shadow1249@shadow1249 Жыл бұрын
  • 8:42 Found a continuity error, the left-hand side gun that was bent temporarily fixed itself.

    @johnathanward9179@johnathanward9179 Жыл бұрын
    • And when the guy lowers his face to look at the round, his face shifts. Other than those, I didn't spot anything else. Great video

      @maddog4u31757@maddog4u31757 Жыл бұрын
  • This makes me even more proud to be Czech

    @Benetkabc2nd@Benetkabc2nd Жыл бұрын
  • Heroes can be found anywhere hope exists. Whomever this hero was likely was not alone and their courage saved more lives than we will ever know with certainly. To them, I say thank you for your service.

    @shaneabreu9271@shaneabreu9271 Жыл бұрын
  • This is just wonderful, the graphics, the narration, the choice of words. Just wonderful, keep it going Yarnhub!

    @bobsmodels123@bobsmodels123 Жыл бұрын
  • Many GPUs have died for this. So beautiful, so worth it.

    @wiiprocontroller6471@wiiprocontroller6471 Жыл бұрын
  • The amount of risk that forced labourer took to do what he/she thought was right. That is a direct pass to heaven.

    @rajath275@rajath275 Жыл бұрын
  • I can't imagine, when I first saw that message from the dud ammunition that was made on purpose it shocked me how much risk they did to help win the war, I wonder who the person that manufactured that ammo was...dude seriously this hit me like bricks

    @andrewreynolds912@andrewreynolds912 Жыл бұрын
  • The movement of all the planes in these massive scenes are like clockwork! So good.

    @x-raygamma@x-raygamma Жыл бұрын
  • I truly must be watching a high budget movie at this point. I felt like I was in the story this time. Truly amazing!

    @me-fp6bf@me-fp6bf Жыл бұрын
  • I am brave to be a Czech and knowing my grandfather was forced to work in german war factories producing parts for airplanes and maybe ammo aswell. So nice to see depiction of morale of our ancestors fighting in their own way agains Germans. Great story!

    @georget.571@georget.571 Жыл бұрын
  • Wow, I didn't expect that twist near the end. That person or persons were heroic too, risking their lives to make duds. No name, no glory, just heroism, doing whatever they could to help out. And it sure made a difference.

    @X-Prime123@X-Prime123 Жыл бұрын
  • the B-17 animation looks so bloody fantastic.

    @Spitfiresammons@Spitfiresammons Жыл бұрын
  • Your Animation always gets better ❤️

    @Hmebrickstube6000@Hmebrickstube6000 Жыл бұрын
  • The sound design is absolutely amazing, I wouldn't be surprised if you guys went to an actual airfield to record them.

    @snickersmyknickers5120@snickersmyknickers5120 Жыл бұрын
  • As a czech I am deeply amazed and honored by this story (and video;-)

    @Haneson@Haneson Жыл бұрын
  • Wow! These keep getting better and better! The voiceovers are incredible, the animation flawless (I noticed you have a new 3d model for the bf 109, looks really good), and everything about it is incredible! This is also Video No. 2 of asking for Hans-Ulrich Rudel, the most decorated Stuka pilot of the war. Keep it up, you deserve every single like, Cheers!

    @Simon_Wahl@Simon_Wahl Жыл бұрын
  • "This is all we can do for you now" Brave legend

    @nick24488@nick24488 Жыл бұрын
  • Amazing story! I will forever respect the brave young crews that brought freedom to Europe and to us. Greetings from the Czech republic! :-). We will not forget!

    @ondrapatek3145@ondrapatek3145 Жыл бұрын
  • Gotta love these Boeing bombers. There's just something amazing about them. Keep up the good work guys!

    @therailfanman2078@therailfanman2078 Жыл бұрын
  • Respect every one soldier even if they were axis, they fought as best they can not knowing which side is the good side. Everbody only saw them and their allies as the heroes. Fighting on, bravely, till the very end...

    @marijanadevic6536@marijanadevic6536 Жыл бұрын
  • Masterful storytelling and animation. You guys are simply the best at what you do. Thank you!

    @scottb8434@scottb8434 Жыл бұрын
  • R.I.P. the graphic cards, but their sacrifice was not in vain. Thanks to the Yarnhub team for another amazing masterpiece and much excitement.

    @biorop638@biorop638 Жыл бұрын
  • Damn.. why this one hits hard, its the real drama of the past. What a beautiful story

    @japs7424@japs7424 Жыл бұрын
  • The detail and effort all of you put into every story is nothing short of amazing!! I myself am an Army Desert Storm Veteran, and my Father is a Vietnam Navy Veteran who served on an Aircraft Carrier. Each and every one of these brave heroes depicted in these videos are memorialized for eternity within these wonderful video retellings of their heroism and sacrifice. My hat is off to all of the great and talented people on the Yarnhub Team!!! You allow our history to always remain alive and in our minds!! Thank you for making this for us all.

    @RickMiddleton-1@RickMiddleton-1 Жыл бұрын
  • could you consider doing more naval combat stories as well? i love them the most, could be naval marine action, artillery duels, large fleet engagements in ww1 or ww2, etc! 4:25 that was really realistic feeling!

    @yuenin5318@yuenin5318 Жыл бұрын
  • The way you guys setup the dogfighting to suddenly silence and the wave of Flak was movie-quality. Really got my blood pumping. EDIT: Yknow, I think you guys have become my favorite KZhead channel. I watch a lot of diverse content but there is nothing like the commitment to growth and improving that the Yarnhub team displays. I truly hope you guys aren't like Mustard or whatever other channels that got into historical story based animations just to build a capital of followers so they could sell the account (Rightfully getting lambasted for it afterwards). I don't sense that from your team, though, and wish you all the best in your continued dedication to history and bringing it to life for us that never experienced it.

    @cameron5802@cameron5802 Жыл бұрын
  • This channel always brings a smile at the end of the week, showing the best and brightest of humanity's courage during horrific times. Along with the guys that record the vets stories in person, yall bring their stories into visceral cinematics, keep up the good work, never let these men's deeds go unsung.

    @coffeecocaine8878@coffeecocaine8878 Жыл бұрын
  • That message "this is all we can do for you now" shows the frustration of whoever wrote it. It's a clear reminder that in war, there are numbers, but those numbers were people.

    @Iamlurking504@Iamlurking504 Жыл бұрын
  • It was not on this particular account, but I remember searching for history related videos 3 years ago, and finding videos from this channel. I loved watch Simple History, and saw the video and clicked on it. The most recent video on the channel at the time was when Franz Stigler saved Ye Olde Pub, the original. I can proudly say that I was one of the first 10,000, if not less, subscribers of this channel. It has been amazing to watch this channel grow, and that I've been along for the ride. I'm looking forward to what's to come !

    @grahammoffitt-gy4bp@grahammoffitt-gy4bp Жыл бұрын
  • Could you do a video on the Air Battle over Nis? I'm certain that even most history buffs have never heard about it and would be a pretty interesting story!

    @speedy_comet@speedy_comet Жыл бұрын
    • We'll definitely have the historians take a look. Thanks for the suggestion.

      @Yarnhub@Yarnhub Жыл бұрын
    • :)

      @simonsterritt@simonsterritt Жыл бұрын
    • @@Yarnhub you should do the laffey.

      @pavehawk10@pavehawk10 Жыл бұрын
  • A son of a B-17 Navigator sends thanks and love for keeping the memory his plane alive.

    @2persons@2persons Жыл бұрын
  • 1:46 Thank goodness you put in some more Star Wars references, I find a lack of them disturbing.

    @koopatroopa7968@koopatroopa7968 Жыл бұрын
    • It's StarWars original series as a whole thing are a reference to WWII

      @EllAntares@EllAntares2 ай бұрын
  • As a czech I'm proud for that one men or a women that saved their lifes

    @bohemiacountry2917@bohemiacountry2917 Жыл бұрын
  • Czech POW: This is all I can do for you. I hope it will be enough. Tondelayo Crew: It was enough. Whoever you were, you saved our lives.

    @girl1213@girl1213 Жыл бұрын
  • "This is all we can do for you now" You did more than enough.

    @RhinoBarbarian@RhinoBarbarian4 ай бұрын
  • When I was young, I loved flight sims. In the preinternet days, the very large manuals often included the history of the genre they covered. I remember first reading about this story in the manual for the game Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe. Thank you to Yarnhub for elaborating on the story and providing the names of the B-17 and crew. Every video leaves me humbled.

    @CaffeineGeek@CaffeineGeek Жыл бұрын
  • This story could easily be made into a movie. What an emotional ending it would be.

    @larrym.9524@larrym.9524 Жыл бұрын
  • My gosh Yarnhub, mad respect from 2d animations to 3d then full on cinematic videos.Thanks I started watching when you made the first video thanks. all the love to the people who script animate and others.

    @Richthofenweber@Richthofenweber Жыл бұрын
    • Hmmm yes a scam I am usually un- lucky so no thanks

      @Richthofenweber@Richthofenweber Жыл бұрын
  • I wonder how many duds the Czech put messages in. The fact this could have been the only message, and it just so happened to hit them and be found is astonishing

    @ltsBorrowed@ltsBorrowed Жыл бұрын
  • I swear I'm not tearing up when I heard the message read to the bomber crew, it's just dust !

    @Paludion@Paludion Жыл бұрын
  • I used to run a history page on Facebook before they shut it down as a hate speech because silly me I talked about the Nazi party. What was I possibly thinking. I wish I had known of this story back then, so I could’ve written about it, this is absolutely incredible!

    @lordkreigs1978@lordkreigs1978 Жыл бұрын
  • This is why I've given up on most TV. The quality and storytelling here is first rate. 👌

    @Steve-gc5nt@Steve-gc5nt Жыл бұрын
  • What a fantastic story, we have to respect these men of steel, and the quality of these videos, keep the great stories coming guys!

    @chris.76256@chris.76256 Жыл бұрын
  • I’ve watched nearly every video from you guys and this is my favorite. The storytelling and improved animation are just incredible

    @sean-zl6dy@sean-zl6dy Жыл бұрын
  • That Czech Weapons maker was a real angel! Thank Yarnhub for bringing this story forth!

    @odd-ysseusdoesstuff6347@odd-ysseusdoesstuff6347 Жыл бұрын
  • the thought of hopelessly watching your brothers burn and fall to the ground while you just stay still on your cockpit and keep your aircraft steady sends shivers down my spine.

    @CoffeeMug2828@CoffeeMug2828 Жыл бұрын
  • The state of your animation and voice acting is incredible. Its the first time I see a video of yours and the expressions on a characters face are actually transmitting emotions. Yoy are all doing a fantastic job! Thank you for sharing this amazing story.

    @theodoremamalis6358@theodoremamalis6358 Жыл бұрын
  • Comparing the animation from videos from two years ago to now is insane! Keep up the great work!!

    @StarlordStavanger@StarlordStavanger Жыл бұрын
  • There are multi million dollar films out there that don't even come close to the quality of production and storytelling we are seeing here today. Your team has every right to be proud of what you're accomplishing Also as our unknown Czech hero had a lot to offer this time around it seems like a good opportunity to recommend the Battle of Lake Baikal 16th of August 1918

    @firestorm165@firestorm165 Жыл бұрын
  • That very touching story. One anonymous brave act by a prisoner of war. Its by God's grace this happened.

    @antonioperez2623@antonioperez2623 Жыл бұрын
  • this is like a movie it is crazy how fast their animation skills has developed, I get so interested in each of their stories. I am such a big fan of all of your stories.

    @an-2254@an-2254 Жыл бұрын
  • "This is all we can do for you now" gave me chills...

    @xbox1445@xbox1445 Жыл бұрын
  • These animations just keep getting better and better

    @YesimBritish999@YesimBritish999 Жыл бұрын
  • My great uncle was a tail gunner on B-17s, I’m glad to see they finally get a video

    @me-4106@me-4106 Жыл бұрын
  • Хорошая история. Спасибо неизвестному герою.

    @user-rw9on2vp5t@user-rw9on2vp5t Жыл бұрын
  • Sometimes the stories you tell bring tears to my eyes. This is one such story. I hope whoever that civilian was lived a long and happy life after the war.

    @Spartan265@Spartan265 Жыл бұрын
  • 10:50 as a czech watching this video i saw the letter thinking it looked like czech for a mo´ment and then when i heard it i got absolute chills :D

    @gyllzscz@gyllzscz9 ай бұрын
  • I'm proud to be Czech even more ❤️

    @nikdo1233@nikdo1233 Жыл бұрын
  • This is a such a sad story, and the animation lets me be immersed in the world of Yarnhub. Imagine what it would be like to watch this in VR. 10/10

    @rRjLleE@rRjLleE Жыл бұрын
  • This story should be made into a movie

    @tykobes4132@tykobes41328 ай бұрын
  • I miss my grandfather...he served with the 464th bg 779th bs out of Italy he was a top turret gunner and flight engineer on a B-24 during ww2

    @Hi-lb8cq@Hi-lb8cq Жыл бұрын